You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I would always associate hay fever as being a spring thing

Unlucky for you if you get it mid summer roo

I think/hope I’ve a Sinus infection.

Most people would benefit from an anti histamine every day or every second day for a few weeks during summer. Shouldn’t take them if you have high
Blood pressure

I’d also always take them for a few days before and during any holiday some place warm - good to have in the system if you get a mosquito bite.


I’m utterly fucked this week from it. Head is blocked and have a ball of phlegm at the back of my throat since Monday - can shift it at all

How do you know it’s covid?

Do a video consultation with your GP and get a prescription for an antibiotic to clear the chest. That’s what got me back on my feet.

I never said it was covid, i was replying to Carryharry about hayfever

Thank fuck.

Must be savage bad if it’s getting mistaken for hayfever

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I got prescribed Telfast last year. Can get it otc now so take one in the morning and one in the evening. Not a sniffle and I’d be in a heap without it.

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Round 2 :bellhop_bell:

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I have my reservations on this tbh.

  • Antigens showing very weak lines of positive whereas previous dose was Bright Red

  • mild headache this time

  • very sore throat early days which is why I took test but that again has dissipated quickly

  • symptoms definitely feel milder & have subsided far quicker

I’ve isolated just in case but I dunno. Thought originally it was tonsils but my improvement without usual medication makes it seem unlikely.

Perhaps the regular dosing of paracetamol has helped…

Hay-fever also seemed plausible but previous tests at onset of those symptoms weeks ago were negative :man_shrugging:

How many of us are left now who have not succumbed ?

It must be the mega doses of ester C cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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I’m actually baffled, no socialising involved here since before this all began

A lad I know got it twice in three weeks.

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Chap I know only succumbed to it last month after attending a wedding. He was bedridden in a bad way for a week.

I was after a couple of hard weeks work wise plus hot weather had me fucked too so maybe the immune system was wide open, who knows.

As you said, a lot to be said for vitamins

Its the testing thats the problem.


Testing definitely improves the spread?