You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The Donald was right all along.


No one who drank it died of Covid.

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Feel better champ. We are all rooting for you👊

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Best of luck

Just the 21% excess deaths in England and Wales.



surprise surprise, public servants are also very vulnerable to Long covid


Amanda Brunker is now a hostess in Hugo’s if lads are looking for a dining venue.


Fair play to her if she is as would take a fair measure of humility on her part to take that on.

How’s she holding up?

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Agreed. She certainly has her knockers but that is admirable.


Ah lovely.

My nose is running like fuck. Covid again….

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Hard to believe this is still a thing. You lads must be filthy altogether.

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I thought we were done with this COVID lark.

Wait until September. There will be more hysteria to deal with.

due another wave in Sep/Oct and all the usual gimps will be out calling for facemasks and restrictions, now they have fucked the economy good and proper there will be none of that nonsense ever again thank god


Enjoy the pints lads

Masks and 8pm closing time for pubs by November so we can have a meaningful Christmas.

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