You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

My runny nose has cleared up anyway lads. Took a plane to Spain yesterday, double masked especially. Ye are welcome

Was it Covid?

Did Tony hire a PR team? A serious rebrand on his social media feeds, cutting a casual and progressive figure. Complete with his own website, he has himself well set up for media gigs into the future.

He/him :joy:




#wickedproblems :joy:

He is a gas man in fairness.

Iā€™d say itā€™s 50/50 whether we are looking at restrictions next Christmas and no doubt this utter cunt hoolahan is positioning himself for a analyst/media type role on the likes the Ryan tubridy show.

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Remember his staunch opposition to antigen tests? Even as they were used successfully elsewhereā€¦?

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Iā€™ve had Blue Wkd problems but not since my twenties

Does anyone know if the private hospitals, the likes of Blackrock Clinic, the Bons, etc test you on the day of a procedure for Covid?

This would seem to suggest they bring you in separately for testing in the days before it, if at allā€¦ā€¦

Im almost certain they still do

I know the beacon and mater private ask you to go there 3 or 4 days prior for a covid test.

I havenā€™t been tested the last few times Iā€™ve been to the mater private, last time as recently as a fortnight ago. I have to complete a questionnaire in advance is all.

They must have changed so. My dad had to go up for his surgery there in April. Tested positive and surgery was cancelled. Has since had it though after it was rescheduled. Wife has to go up to Beacon next week, has to do covid test this week up there before she has surgery.

Might be different for surgery. Iā€™m going in for day therapy.

Think Iā€™m in the same boat here.

Never had an issue before now but before taking a Anti-histamine this evening I sounded & looked like death warmed up.

Complete bastard of a thing

Its a bad hayfever year. The oul lad is a good barometer- he only gets it once every few years and this year is a bitch.
Im tortured myself

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Antigen test sales rocketingā€¦.

Tissues also

Iā€™ve no runny nose, just blocked. Tbh, all my symptoms are more Sinus infection related.

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