You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

You sound hysterical

Thereā€™ll be a lock down this winter but it wonā€™t because of covid itā€™ll be because world war 3 is under way.

The likes of me, copper, and peddlers will be probably be on the front line.


Iā€™m only hysterical of a Tuesday.

If world war III starts, Iā€™m off down the town on the beer.

If the apocalypse unfolds like Iā€™m predicting, I plan on letting it unfold on a barstool in Murphys in Brandon.

Thatā€™ll surely be one of the last places the Chinese/Russians/space aliens will reach.

Iā€™ll even drink Guinness. Thatā€™ll teach 'em.

It was the fish lads. Even when i thought it was the bats, then the cats, i knew deep down it was the fish.

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Peculiar how certain they are that seafood carries it. They stopped the importation of seafood which had a massive effect on shellfish exports from here

First they came for the monkeys and I did nothing
Then they came for the bats and I did nothing
Then they came for the shellfish

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First you catch the cod
Then you catch the crabs
Then you catch the Covid

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a Sean Connery joke in that.


Its a cod


Multiple threads on here where some of us highlighted this at the time. And we were accused of killing grannies. Egg on the face of Brenda and Nuala

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The flutes are wearing a little maskā€¦the actual flutes. Its so cute.

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TFK was ahead of the curve on that whole cod in fairness.

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There was covid headbangers like @Malarkey still calling for this mask shite as recent as March


Apart from anything else it shows a complete lack of understanding as to how wind instruments actually work. The air comes out of the highest unstopped hole. It only comes out the end when all the holes are stopped by the player.
This is what weā€™re up against.

They are still running Covid ads on RTe

The anti vaxx headbangers canā€™t just let it go. Theyā€™re praying for another wave

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