You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

No I didn’t. You see you can never help yourself resorting to lies and that’s why normal people disregard your opinions, because they’re that of a liar.

I asked you a question. There was some controversy around you insulting someone around cancer wasn’t there? Either a poster or posters wife

Did you read the answer? No, you didn’t. Have a read of it again there, like a good lad.



You really are desperate.

Where is there an insult of cancer victim there?

I was insulting Art Foley and he graciously accepted my apology.

And neither have you apologised for all the lies you’ve told here since returned to the forum as you literally attempt to excuse genocide.

Ok mate. Take a breather

So no answer. Just a lie.

You keep excusing genocide though if it makes you feel better, which it clearly does.

I would say that was insulting to every subject in that sentence but that’s just me

Was Art’s wife suffering from cancer at the time? That’s fucked up if that’s what’s being referred to.

I think the rationale for their stance is that the 20m would have died anyway, which I suppose is true, if you’re mental.

Were those 20m young and otherwise healthy out of curiousity… The article is behind a paywall.

If everybody died now you’d have a lot less people die in the future.


No I don’t think so. I don’t see anyone claiming it

Whats the latest…they weaken immunity for a fortnight before giving decent protection for a couple of months?

I haven’t been keeping too close an eye on it. Alls I do know is that since the vaccine arrived life has got back to some semblance of normality. Obviously not solely down to the vaccine but it did initially save millions of lives. Healthcare experts continue to promote the importance of vaccines. They haven’t been proven wrong so far so I’m good with following their advice.

Yes, the vaccine does seem beneficial to the elderly and vulnerable. And j suppose it offers some peace of mind to people who are frightened.
I’d be wary of any health official telling healthy people to take it though- it’s a bit useless in this regard, if not relatively dangerous.

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Dangerous like crossing the road?

yet youd tell people to take a bovine antiparasitic drug?


Who’s doing your thinking for you- rachael madcow?