You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Your acting dumb here. You know well rte are coining it in from the covid related adds.


En route to get a PCR test here,two positive antigen tests last night. Incredible to think they fought the antigen tests every step of the way , some shower



It’s a giant conspiracy involving everybody in RTÉ :grinning:

It’s not.

it’s a simple fact rte are profiting from covid/lockdown.


You’re not following,
The accusation is that RTÉ are ‘dragging it out’ for their own financial interests

How many people would need to be involved in that particular conspiracy? :grinning:

You asked “a simple question” as to how rte were profiting from it.

I answered your question and you replied with a picture of a tin foil hat and something about a conspiracy theory.

Are you accepting rte are profiting from covid/lock down etc ?

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Who accused them of that?

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This is the post that started the conversation

I sssume RTEs costs dropped massively due to the lockdown

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Mary Poppins reeling here.

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Gary o Toole is on record as saying before the 96 Olympics he raised the issue around Michelle smith in a pre production meeting.

Basically he said she’d win four medals or whatever etc and said there was rumours going around about her doping.

The following day the head of rte warned himself, bill o heriliy and a few more to not touch it or mention it or they would be removed from their positions.

We’ve seen how joe bolly was treated last year.

The guy from trinity who expressed a different view last year lost his job.

We saw the witch hunt around big Phil hogan too when various rte staff were behaving the exact same.

It’s hardly a stretch to claim rte have their own agendas.


Propaganda ads every 2 mins and none stop chats about covid. The ad revenue through the roof. Viewership massive for scare byrne. Rte wi be fucked when it’s over.

On top of rte, who is profiting from the PCR tests, private hospitals, contracts for various services created due to covid that didn’t have a tender process?

I didn’t see that. I’m not accusing them of that and I dont think they are competent enough to pull off a grand conspiracy.

However, I’ll happily state I think they have always been on the side of more restrictions, more lockdowns, more doom, and I believe they have done so because it is profitable for them. People who have repeatedly made wild predictions of death totals many multiples of what actually happened have been asked back time and time again to peddle more doom.


You’ve repeatedly suggested De GascĂșn profits from PCR testing somehow. I’ve never seen any evidence of this put forward.

How much do doctors get per PCR test referral and vaccine administered?

I’ve a pal who does a fair bit of media work on various radio and TV stations.

I asked him about Covid and whether contributors were told not to go down a particular avenue etc.

He said that they are not and you can say what you want. He then said that the editorial team have a view in what they want in relation to each subject matter and while you can say what you want the editorial team are under no obligation to invite you back on.

Claire byrne was calling for restrictions last Friday after the news of the South African variant broke.

It was an extreme view she took and it was broadcast around Ireland without repercussion.

Now If somebody in rte came on in March 2020 or jan 2021 and looked for decreased restrictions they would never ever be let on rte again.

That’s my issue.

Claire’s extreme views are tolerated where’s extreme views on the other side of the argument aren’t tolerated.

That isn’t right in my opinion.


So why did RTE’s income streams go down?

RTE are an absolute joke. They engage in hysteria and the ridiculous constantly
 Just don’t watch them.