You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The angle that anyone promoting the eradication of Covid actually want Covid to continue shows the level of idiocy you’re dealing with. It is just bonkers.

'Tis interesting how none of the “RTE is the virus” lads think the likes of Murdoch media, which specialises in low cost, low investment, high engagement, viral content-dependent right wing rage, has not benefitted from the pandemic.

Funny how some lads always decide to look in the wrong place.

There’s always one, as they say. Or on this forum, 13. Tag teaming and PMing each other.

What job did he lose?

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The National lab that he’s a director of? Do you think his wages as director are winding up or down in this pandemic? Do you think an institution such as that is some form of evidence of corruption or vested interests? Do you realise how stupid what you’re saying is?

Academics require to secure funding for their departments in universities. Increased external funding increases their budget in the university. The university in turn increases their pay ir they leave for another institution as the rival institution sees the opportunity to increase their funding by hiring said person. Does CDG have a vested interest in increased PCR testing yes. Does he have a vested interest in preventing people availing of cheaper alternatives yes. Is the state paying €200 per test to a lab that I will assume is using students on a poor wage (in terms of their qualifications to perform the job) yes.

How is it stupid to ask questions of the vested interests of the people making decisions that they may profit from themselves?

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I watched a lovely episode of Nationwide last week which came from Mayo.

I should have known the whole thing was a conspiracy. BlĂĄthnaid NĂ­ ChĂłvid.

Nonsense. This is Gemma O’Doherty level reasoning out of you.

Great way to dismiss an arguement you don’t agree with.

We all know how rotten this country is with goverment contracts. FFG and civil service using the nod and wink to keep it in house. Nothing ever changes in ireland.

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Have you looked up the laboratory he’s director of and what they do?

They test for viral diseases a typical year would just be the flu. Again the increase in testing capacity required state funding to facilitate this. This capacity will be permanent now based on headcount required to meet whatever the testing requirement will be. The lab is fully stocked of equipment for years now, this would typically cost the university a large amount of capital. His performance in his position would rely on the labs performance to meet this need. So yes he is benifting from covid

@glasagusban can’t debate a point. He just throws baseless slurs around like a child when he doesn’t like what someone else says, sadly he’s not intelligent enough or secure enough to back himself in a debate.

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Less of that forklift gemma

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Awww poor little Munster lickspittle.

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Oh dear

Honestly, can you please try explain that again?

Say I’m the civil servant in charge of the national agency for grass testing, and we have an unprecedented grass epidemic. Do honestly you think I personally benefit from all the grass testing that has to be carried out?

I bet if we had no national grass testing facility/National Virus Reference Laboratory you’d the fella roaring that the government didn’t do its job “why have we no grass testing facility this is a joke” and things like that is what you’d be saying.

:joy::joy: its very easy to dismiss an arguement by calling someone x gemma. Fun too

Was this posted for @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy?