Try reading the article. There is an acknowledgement of the deaths as a result of the vaccine.
What this article does @Tank is undermine the “only old people or people who haven’t looked after themselves are at danger from this virus” narrative. That doesn’t suit the health facist, covid deniers.
We’re talking in general terms.
Fit and healthy people die from flu too, were you angling for lockdowns and restrictions in 17/18? Why was that acceptable?
My issue is the way people dismiss flu as irrelevant and sensationalise Covid as deadly.
This death was widely reported at the time.
If this was so widely reported and they’re still running stories on it now, what I’m picking up from it is that this is incredibly unlikely to happen.
Neither of those articles mentions the genetic angle which is what I was highlighting.
I don’t think anybody is saying that young healthy people are much less likely to suffer severe covid. And maybe there is an element of “scare” in the repetition of a story about a superfit young man dying. But the added elements of misinformation that he fell victim too + the truth that vaccination doesn’t just help the individual but is of benefit to society in general are worth repeating.
Unlikely the mentallers will change. They’re too far gone to accept how wrong they’ve got this. Some still insist on comparing it to the flu.
You can pay €5 for a bottle of shampoo in the pharmacy, while the same bottle is €3 in Supervalu as well.
The moaning is hilarious, people just hunting for likes on stuff.
Positive news hopefully it remains after more info comes out thus week. Hopefully Dr Tony declares this variant a cod if turns out to be very mild
Tough one for the ISAG loonies to swallow.
We need to be flying over plane loads of people with Omicron (except Munster Rugby) and seeding it in the community.
ALL of them?
It would never happen here
Did you see the stats today about how many lives are being saved because of vaccinations? You must be chuffed to have been on the right side for once, even if it was a belated change of heart on your part.
We’re not all as glaringly gullible as you Mike.
She’s turning out to be a bit of a shrew