You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

@Cheasty more good news.

You believed that Christian Eriksen collapsed because of the Covid vaccine so you are pretty gullible. Do you believe that the vaccines don’t help save lives? Do you have actual evidence to back this up or is it just another one of your poorly informed hunches?

Telling more lies again Mike.

Sad that all you can offer when your stupidity is put to are fabricated allegations against other posters.

Still pondering this one mike, struggling a bit to be honest. Tell me this- shouldn’t the free money be made a little more attractive in order to tempt professionals away from their humdrum middle class jobs? Just in the interests of fairness like?

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Do you thinks it’s just those on the PUP that get free money?

No, but you were suggesting it’s an alternative

More optics. I would be against this as I suspect the majority of teachers.


Doesnt matter, schools will be closed in a week.

Honestly, cannot see any scenario under which schools close.

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Pat wants to pay his employees as little as possible which is his right as a business owner. I imagine Supermacs is considered a medium sized enterprise so should be more than capable of paying a bit more to make his vacancies more attractive to potential employees if he is short staffed. It’s ironic Pat calling people on PUP lazy while trying to pressure government to do his dirty work for him by reducing the PUP.

That’s what the headline says, I haven’t followed up with them personally

cc @mikehunt

Why did you not care when flu ravaged the health service?

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I got the flu vaccine yearly. I don’t recall you bitching and moaning about how shit the flu vaccine was. Oh that’s right, you didn’t know there was a flu vaccine.

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I didn’t here you crying about flu when it overwhelmed the health service and cost lives so why did you lose your shit over Covid? It’s a simple question you keep ducking.

That is a fucking joke. After your man O Brien that dopey bastard saying the opposite 🤦

Just fall in, we’re nearly there.

I was pro restrictions before the vaccine arrived. Since it arrived I haven’t called for the reintroduction of restrictions. You seem incapable of accepting my consistent approach. I get booster vaccines for flu and will do so for Covid.

I asked you about the flu, not the Covid vaccine.

If you’re too afraid to admit you didn’t care about people dying from flu and the health service being overrun every Winter from it at least have the balls to admit it.