You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

So basically Gerry Killeen was right, they are little covid stealth bombers.

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I got the flu vaccine too.

Why didn’t you care when people died of flu on a yearly basis? Why were you not vocal like you are now?

Did you see an opportunity with a virus that had a big marketing campaign to pretend you were sincere and caring? Or were you just duped?

A bottle of Calpol should do it so?

If I didn’t care I wouldn’t have got the vaccine.

Not true. If you did care you’d have been vocal. It seemed you’re happy for people to die from flu and the health service to be overwhelmed by it but get hysterical when it’s Covid. That’s established, please don’t be so rude as to try and contend something everyone knows.

What I’d like you to address is the why. This is the question you keep ducking.

It’s the unvaccinated that are causing the carnage.

OK Mike.

RTE news : Two triple vaccinated Israeli doctors have new variant


They’ll be lining people up to get infected with the new variant. Its the only way out.

The vaccine cert is useless now for travel without a negative test.

People have been sold a pup.


Omicron parties and lollipops

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Anyone planning on flying abroad and returning over the next few weeks is a murderer.


I’ll get a sign made up for the arriving passengers

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Get your boosters lads, should tide you over until the new ohmarycon specific injection arrives in February


You probably have one from your last ManU Liverpool match.

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Christ on a bike, Mike.

Cease and desist pls ffs.

Hopefully the vaccine continues to prevent serious illness and they’re ok.

Not always uncle

This incoming test nonsense is all theatre. And it causes me nothing but hassle. And it’ll achieve nothing. Par for the course