You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Optics. Its all about the optics

Cc @mikehunt

Nice turn of phrase once again fro marina re JD sports

If I don’t get a PROFESSIONALLY ADMINISTERED Antigen test / PCR test and travel into the country on Sunday, what exactly happens? Does the govt shove its thumb up my hole?

““too big for condoms”.” :rofl:

I love it! There’s a few here that is apt for.


Committing an offence. Guards take a statement. File sent to the DPP. After that I don’t know but I can only assume a lengthy prison sentence


She’s a really brilliant writer. She has a quite lovely way with words.

Omicron is going to save us. Let the Saffers in

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Presume you don’t get on the plane.

The Department is in “discussions with airlines and ferry companies” on that one.

She has a lovely turn of phrase but she’s turning into a woke version of Jeremy Clarkson. Invoking the spirit of the war, jokes about small mickeys and moralising about the common good. It would be bad enough if she was still at the ‘sure it’s only two weeks to flatten the curve’ stage. Two years on is a little late for that particular sermon…but the guardian stopped even trying to be credible a decade ago. Maybe it has a good sports page?

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About on a par with The Ballinderry Times.

I find it useful to read it the odd time to see how the enemy are thinking

Sure you don’t need to read it to see what’s going on there, just keep an eye on the usual suspects on tfk

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i am going to chelsea and leeds in stamford bridge on dec 11th with 4 adults and 5 kids
come on!!!

technical question
can i (we)use the PCR i (we) get in dublin airport on the saturday morning when i (we) return to dublin on sunday evening or do i (we) need one issued in the UK?

Just had a great session with the kids in the lashing rain tonight, we abandoned our end of season party on saturday as we follow the COVID measure to the letter of the law so we gave them all their medals and selection boxes tonight,
the coaches night out is ON on Saturday, we have reserved a table … but it will get very messy


for folks with kids 3rd - 6th
are ye sending them in with masks tomorrow? - im assuming itll be 50/50 in school but will fall away after a week or so

its all about finances
how much did Randox pay to secure that gig in Dublin?

It’s mandatory mickee. Schools must refuse entry if they don’t have them on.
Only exemption is kids with special needs and schools have to decide who meets that criteria.

The fact that there isnt really a word said about it. Is frankly unreal.

This is not a temporary measure either.

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