You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Fuck that shit lads. Old Moores Almanac says thereā€™s another pandemic on the way

Not wishing to back you up on a point but I find her very samey after a while and the studied sarcasm very wearing. Iā€™d say if I read one article a year by her it would be enough.

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Any predictions for the hurling next year?

Remind you of anyone?


You have to wonder why Mr Dazsak wanders freely
He has questions to answer, perhaps the correct forum of Inquiry needs to be formalised


Ian O Doherty.

is there a huge demand from Oirish people to go to pantos?

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No, they prefer play dates

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Oh yes there is.


Itā€™s an absolute disgrace that the US Congress has not had a formal hearing and put Dazsak and others involved in this dangerous research under oath. Obviously we will never get anything from the CCP but EcoHealth know what was going in at the WIV and have resisted all efforts to disclose it. The only reason we know any details is from FOIA requests.

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US democrat elites are in bed with the CCP
There will be no inquiries under the ā€˜Biden Presidencyā€™


What the fuck is he on about :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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No idea he loves his acronyms his corporate background bingo bullshit really comes to the fore.


Did you give any thought as to the impact of this remark? Seriously!?



They need to lock him up again. Iā€™m not sure why they decided to let him speak in public, theyā€™d pretty much banned him there for a few months

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Good to know the kids arenā€™t picking up COVID is schools all the same

Surely the obvious question at the end there was why the fuck are you having them wear masks if transmission in schools is low? Let alone making it mandatory.

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Calm down old chap. Youā€™ll do yourself a mischief