You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Iā€™m in my late 20s fit and healthy. The vaccine doesnā€™t stop transmission or end groundhog day. Why the fuck will I? Thereā€™s no benefit to me and wonā€™t stop me infecting vulnerable people. Anyone over 40 or have medical issues by all means should get it but Iā€™m not that desperate for a pint

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Or by NASAā€™s Asteroid Deflection Testing Program

When did Frankie lose his way. Was it after he was fucked off ā€œhave I got news for youā€!

Im very cross over this

Solar flares man. Its going to happen. We will live but without electricity or the Internet

If you donā€™t calm down it wonā€™t be Covid catching up with you.

Like Kevin Costner in that film where he took up delivering post.

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The vaccine by in large is safe but I donā€™t see any benefits to me to get the booster. I got the first 2 but Iā€™ve had enough.

I think he lost the shock value. Still has some dingers

Really, have you declared this position before now?

Havenā€™t seem much of him recently but anything I have seen has been fairly pedestrian. Hard to keep the edge he had going.

I agree with people at risk getting vaccinated and supported everyone getting the initial doses but everything since is bullshit. Passports blaming the unvaxxed, forcing people to continue to comply and we are in the same situation as 12 months ago with living a normal life. I would say one thing if it stopped transmission or we got on and lived with covid without all the ridiculous contradictions of ā€œguildlinesā€

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I saw him in UCH limerick few years back, the news just broke about the midwife who accepted a prank call and passed it onto Primce William in England while your one was in hospital with issues with the pregnancy, the nurse midwife had killed herself over it. Francie said the Royal baby story is turning out a lot like the plot from the omen.

The news broke as we were driving out there.


Really? News to me that youā€™re taking such a position.
Any reasons why?

Selfish stance there.


Only myself to harm. I wont be stopping other or telling other not to get it. Anyone over 40 or have a condition should get it. Not reducing transmission is the big one. If Iā€™m sick, stay at home and away from others same as if I had the vaccine

Weā€™ve lived in a two tier society since forever.


Iā€™m gonna get two boosters - Iā€™ll take your one for you kid.