You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Poor chap. It does give an insight into that kind of mindset though. You see quite a bit of it here. People unable to accept or struggling to cope with it.


Is that for people who were once the bad boys of the pilates scene but are now trying to go straight ?

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It’s a good episode. I’ve a link on the South Park thread

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The anti vaxxers’ bodies are their temples. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is an Adonis.

You’re quite right. Anyone questioning the ‘public shouldn’t wear masks/children don’t need injections/schools are safe/9 year olds need masks/ 100% protection against infection and transmission/booster moved from 6 to 3 months/may not work against the new variant’ etc narrative needs to take a long hard look at himself

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as an extension of that has the vaccine been declared a hoax complety given that its no longer the necessary component for foreign travel?
God be with the innocent days of the “vaccine bonus” where poor fuckers thought they were getting a chance at “feedom” and had one up on the “unvaccinated”

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Grow up

Must say that definitely crossed my mind when I saw that photo.

I’m past growing up.

Its here officially we are dooooooooooomed

I’m on day 3 of recovery. Got it from the young fella who brought it home from school.
Heavy flu symptoms and that’s it.
Fair few man fannies on this thread


You’re fucked mate

I’ve never had a flu but I’ve heard it’s no joke, a ‘heavy flu’ sounds nasty


Generally speaking if you haven’t shaken Covid by day 4 you’re quite likely to end up in hospital, possible ventilator.

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If you don’t hear back from me by the end of the week tell Aaron Gillane I love him


A lot of lads here are the type of gullible, weak minded individuals who are fodder for the snake oil of the wellness industry and demagogues.

They suffer from false saviour syndrome.

These false “saviours” range from Huel and nutri-bullets, to all meat diets, Jordan Peterson, Donald Trump, Ivor Cummins to ivermectin.

“False saviour” syndrome is brought about by deep fear, internal paralysis and deep self loathing.

He’s vaccinated so should be fine, fingers crossed.

Don’t you be winding lads up. Some of them genuinely aren’t fit for it

I wouldn’t be too harsh on them. Tis the cunts that target them that are the problem.