You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Agreed that they’re the main problem. The lads here are just fodder.

Wouldn’t knock a stir outta ya. Your 5k times are up to scratch

A friend had recently, it only got real bad around day 10.

Omicron is here guys. We need to lock up foreigners ASAP

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You don’t have “a heavy flu” so, you have a heavy cold. A heavy flu would absolutely floor you.

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Ok Doc thanks for your input👍

The always excellent Dr John Campbell has an informed and cautiously optimistic take on the bunworry

If you have the flu you’re in no shape to lift the head off the pillow. It knocks the shite out of you. A lad walking around saying they have “the flu “ is insulting to lads like me who are flu survivors.


It goes like this


Youse are all going to die

Thank you Munster rugby

We knew that. The only question is when?

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Hup. Hopefully it’s the variant that’ll put this nonsense to bed. Our best hope is that it’ll be as harmless as it seems and contagious enough to rip through the country before pharma rope the simpletons into a fourth injection in twelve months

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Where’s that post bro?

Some fellas can’t stand by what they say

He was well able to stand beside my alcoholic father apparently


Would that term be a sneer? Or would it be compassionate about people’s fears? The fears maybe of people who live in an urban environment where avoiding proximity to strangers is not quite as simple as it is for people who live in rural situations?

Compassion is essentially a recognition that everyone’s situation is not necessarily the same as one’s own situation.

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I like @glenshane

But the bang off his posts always make me think his social interactions must be poor. Hence his exasperation with joe public trying to do what’s right for the wider community.


There’s nothing to say I’m not compassionate towards healthy lads on tfk who are foolish enough to roll up their sleeves for the fourth time in 12 months. I appreciate that they’re frightened but query if it’s sensible to keep feeding and indulging the fears of the general public.
My kids go to school…rural/urban whatever

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