You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

He has a nawful relationship with drink that poster so he has

Has he hightailed it?

He had no back up last night it seems

I like him as well, a lot. He is clearly not in search of a personality alibi ā€“ unlike many others.

Which is why some of his comments, however tricked out as arch, remain disappointing.

Would you hazard a guess as to why they want to vaccinate those not deemed to be at risk of serious illness?

What did yer man say?

Theyā€™re not in sufficient number to draw any conclusionsā€¦but I believe my social conscience is in decent shape- refusing to buy into that mask nonsense is partly in solidarity with shopkeepers, children etc

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I think there is a clear distinction between being fearful and being frightened. Fearfulness can be a perfectly rational emotion.

A close friend of mineā€™s 12 year old son nearly died of Covid a couple of weeks ago. He was five days in ICU. My friend had been vaccine hesitant. Not now.

Is the answer youā€™ve learnt ā€˜to stop killing pensionersā€™?

If itā€™s purely profit driven how come youā€™re not as supportive? You were all over Fat Pat yesterday.

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I didnā€™t say a word in support of fat pat. Iā€™d like him to be at least fair if not generous. I was just pointing out that an economy canā€™t be run on the basis of giving out free money

The PUP was introduced for reasons of public health. It seems you have a problem with every single measure that has been implemented during Covid. Your answer to the pandemic is to protect the elderly. I can understand that coming from the other dullards here but youā€™re above that simplistic shite. How can you possibly protect the vulnerable if you allow the virus free rein to run through the unvaccinated ā€˜non-vulnerableā€™, whoever they are.


See sweden

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They didnā€™t protect the vulnerable. They had multiples of the fatality rates of their nearest neighbours.

Shame on ā€œDrā€ Aneevit there for shaming parents. Iā€™m sure plenty of them feel bad enough about the thing without cunts like this piling in.


Why would they feel bad?

ā€œtheir obedienceā€

800 years , etc

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Donā€™t care how bad things get kids shouldnā€™t be muzzled. Itā€™ll scar them for life.

Itā€™s a parody account but weā€™ve lads on here who post this in their own Earnest Way

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