You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Have you children yourself?

What are the case rates among secondary school ages vs primary school over the last few weeks?

I donā€™t Adam aneevit that that is a parody account


Who is it parodying? Lads will be very relieved to discover they didnā€™t let their kids down after all

According to the Limerick diocesan office no child will be sent home for refusing to wear a mask.

But it appears to have been almost universally accepted, in our school, many of you will know it and this will be surprising, there are only two children out of nearly 300 that have been told not to wear a mask by parents, most pay lip service and thatā€™s just fine with me.

Itā€™s really not that bad, nobody is muzzled, an overreaction in my opinion but we completely underestimate our children


The kids have been wearing masks here in the common areas of schools since September. People are just getting on with it. If it helps to keep the schools open.

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Great news. Great to see the children throw on the green jersey and do their bit. If only some, supposedly grownups, could do the same weā€™d be in a far better place.

A heavy flu I read on this threadā€¦ Fuck that. I had flu as a youngster and I was literally delirious, I canā€™t imagine how bad a heavy flu is.

Flu is rotten. Actually debilitating for a few days. Itā€™s a pet peeve of mine when lads with the sniffles say they have the flu, or a ā€œtouch of the fluā€

@pulpfiction has a heavy flu.



Let me make one last point about the complexity of this pandemic (of which I am heartily sick, no pun intended), quite aside from the medical core of it.

Insurance: I know from friends in the public house game that the major insurance companies in Ireland ā€“ and presumably everywhere else ā€“ tried to get any PUP and restart payments to publicans subtracted (as de facto ā€˜incomeā€™) from any insurance settlements for ā€˜lost incomeā€™. The Vintners Federation successfully lobbied the Irish Government not to have PUP and restart payments treated in this fashion. So the dynamic with insurance for the hospitality sector, going forward, is seriously altered and will be a massive challenge for business owners in this crucial part of the economy.

I heard last week from someone who has a hairdressing business that his PUP and restart payments were treated, in his tax return, as income. So there appear to be sectoral inconsistencies ā€“ and therefore unfairnesses. This whole tangle will be a long time unsnarling. There are no simple solutions. The man with whom I was speaking said his insurer will no longer offer cover for any Covid-related loss of earnings. A specific clause was even inserted about ā€˜fear of Covidā€™ in his new insurance policy. We are in new and highly complex territory, a reality that cannot be wished away by bluff talk on an internet forum.

Employment law: There are now many grey areas in this realm and no doubt they will get coloured in, one shade or another, over the coming Covid times. We are only at the start of the process in this realm.

Vaccine passports and masking in schools: I am not blithe about either issue. Serious principles are at stake. Unvaccinated children still have the right to be educated. But the idea that we could just let everyone, in effect, get Covid (or take on the risk of getting Covid) is beyond risible. That anyone, 20 months later, would still be advocating this gambit seems deeply peculiar, if nothing else. This pandemic remains a torturous problem and its challenges are going nowhere fast. To say otherwise effectively means not learning anything over the last 20 months.

The idea that some brusque dismissive tone about whatever will suddenly cause nigh intractable problems to resolve is for the birds. So is the idea that we let everyone get the virus but just give them Ivermectin. I meanā€¦

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I see politicians regularly trotting out that canard. We did something absolutely shitty to our kids so we big up our kids to divert attention as make it look as if we actually give a fuck. "Theyā€™ve done so

Sorry faganā€¦is it parodying the cowardly parents, the act of masking kidsnor the idea that someone would react to someone criticising the patents ?

Look, it suits your narrative to think that this is a dreadful imposition on our children.
They donā€™t give a fuck in general, kids get on with it, they donā€™t piss and moan all day long about it, theyā€™ll wear the masks and take them off or put them under their chin when they donā€™t want to, nobody will say anything to them in most cases.

If theyā€™re unfortunate enough to have a contrarian for a parent (I donā€™t mean that in all aspects of their lives, Iā€™m sure some contrarians are wonderful parents) then that wonā€™t be held against them.

Donā€™t pretend you give a fuck


Ah sure lookit type stuff?
So basically masks donā€™t fit, arenā€™t worn properly and wearing them is optionalā€¦but arenā€™t kids great for wearing them.

Utter drivel.

Why are kids wearing them bucko, since youā€™ve acknowledged thereā€™s no logical point?


You donā€™t give a fuck about the kids, stop pretending you do, if it was badgers that were being forced to wear them youā€™d pretend to care about them as well to suit your agenda,
You couldnā€™t give a fuck and Iā€™m fucked if Iā€™m getting into it with you,

Iā€™ll turn up for work as usual and do my own thing, get on with it, like the hundreds of kids that I interact with every day while youā€™re pissing and mosning here


So you canā€™t tell me why children are wearing masks?
Thereā€™s no point in getting angry with a lad on the Internet because he called you out for repeating the usual party line about kids being resilient etc. Thereā€™s no absolution in that bullshit and you donā€™t sound tough either.


:joy: I donā€™t make the rules you dope, what difference does it make what I think?
I only pointed out the facts as I see them, I know literally hundreds of kids, I know kids from all backgrounds and with all sorts of problems,

Do you want me to quit my job because of this? Make a big stand in front of the rest of the staff and kids :grinning:

Youā€™re the tough guy, intimidating minimum wage shop staff etc, Iā€™m only a harmless simpleton, and quite happy with that :+1: