You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

He’s the sort of fella you imagine stands in the mirror reciting Clint Eastwood lines to himself.

House devil, street angel.

No idea what you’re on about.

And I didn’t suggest that you quit your job, I just seem to have hit a nerve when I pointed out the “underestimate, our kids have done so well, children are resilient” bluff that politicians indulge in.

Why are kids wearing masks BTW? You went off on one there before you got a chance to answer


Gas cunts

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ah to be fair to @glenshane, pullin & haulin & thrashin at them oul briars isn’t easy. He only posts when he gets a wee break and it’s dark now.

It’s definitely not as bad as is being made out by some and the kids will get on with it. But it’s definitely more negative than positive from every point of view except covid. Even from a covid point of view it seems a waste of time if the virus is seen as that little danger to kids that a child can come to school after the child beside them for 6 hours tests positive. Even then I’d be happy enough if it was guaranteed to end in February. But it won’t.
I think in the determination to do the right thing and oppose the anti Vax shouting into Stephen Donnelly’s letterbox type dangerous cunts ordinary people are going along with a lot of stuff they know makes no sense.

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Oh aye. Look down your nose at the humble man of the spil

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You have me mixed up, I don’t know why you’re asking me why kids wear masks?
I’m a schoolteacher, I have an interest in sport and music and some normal extra curricular stuff, I’m not an expert in virology or whatever mask wearing falls under, so I don’t know the answer to your question, should I?

I disagree with a few directives that come with the job, but I get on with them, you’re seeming to suggest that you understand kids better than me, I wonder why that is, and you seem to believe that kids aren’t resilient, you’re a ferocious whimger, you haven’t a clue

I was standing up for you mate. I’d never call you humble.

But your post had nothing to do with understanding kids. You were just rehashing some oul shite by way of bluffery and absolution…with a bit of unoriginality thrown in.


To stop them infecting each other for fear that they’ll infect their grandparents FFS, is there actually something wrong with you?

I don’t even agree with the masking primary school kids, don’t know if I’d enforce it on my own kids, but that is just a stupid question. Have you been following this thread for the past 18 months?

Because I said that kids are resilient :joy:
Is that nothing to do with understanding kids, Jesus you’re a ticket, an expert on everything, and you wasting your life whining on a message board, imagine what you could do.

You don’t give a fuck about kids, probably besides your own, your primary interest is showing a bunch of strangers how smart you are, you’ve found a few like minded contrarians to stroke your ego, well done on that.


Every measure on human behaviour is more negative than positive when viewed from every point of view except Covid.

That’s sort of the way of it.

And it has to be, it cannot be any other way, because Covid is the biggest negative any of us have ever experienced, and will continue to be unless and until it is beaten.

Yeah but some are really effective and the downside is well worth it and some aren’t really effective at all and the negative outweighs any positive. Moving all the desks out to the school yard for instance would seriously reduce transmission but wouldn’t be worth the negatives. There is a line and it’s just a matter of where that’s drawn. The notion that the line seems to be drawn on the whims of people who are far from infallible is the problem for me.

Alright, explain how tracksuits flock will ensure such a tragedy via not wearing masks, wearing them round their chin, taking them off when they feel uncomfortable etc…nevermind the fact that they’re pointless in the first place

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No, you said we underestimate our children. You’re getting your empty clichéd platitudes mixed up amidst your insults and your emojis


Oh tis cruel we should have a six month lockdown to flatten the flu curve

Yer wan who was going demented on Liveline today started shiting on about “mandatory vaccination”.

A major reason for schools being such hotspots for transmission is the kids are largely unvaccinated.

Nobody has yet come up with a valid reason as to why children should not be vaccinated when it is approved.

Masks are a simple, low risk measure. The positives outweigh the negatives. It’s a classic moral panic.

These are all good arguments, the 3rd class kids will end up eating most of them.

I should say, every primary school teacher was against this.

So you believe that we don’t underestimate our kids, is that the problem with my post?
And you believe that they’ll have lasting damage from having to wear a mask in school for a little while?

Well I dispute that, and I don’t need any politician to tell me that, it’s my opinion from my front row seat.

I don’t give a shit about the reasons because I don’t fully understand them, but I care deeply for the kids in my school and I feel that they’ll be just fine, because as I said, they’re more resilient than their parents in many cases.
You’re a gas man, you don’t give a fuck about the kids, it’s just another internet weapon for you and your fellow contrarians.
Nobody will force them to wear the mask.

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wouldn’t be so sure about that unfortunately