You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

You’re probably right, there will be hard liners, but it’ll be a shock of kids are sent home for this, is that what you mean?

I agree and I think most parents will too if and when it’s approved. That’s one of the measures I was talking about where the positive outweighs the negative. I don’t know what that has to do with theatre style window dressing type measures which almost certainly do more harm than good like small children wearing masks. They could just as easily on a whim have decided not to do this or could have made it completely voluntary and there would hardly have been a murmur of complaint as most parents could see this was the approach that made sense.

I might be wrong but I think a lot of kids will be sent home over it. A few brief thoughts:

  • It will depend wildly on the school and the headmaster
  • Principals are already sending home any kid with a runny nose. I’ve been told by teachers that I’d never be allowed into school if I was still a student because I was the kid who always had a runny nose through winter.
  • Headmasters are now in an impossible situation because @Cheasty calling up bitching that there’s a kid in the class not wearing a mask while his kids have the mask surgically sown on. @glenshane is on her case as well.
  • I guess from a legal point of view it’s just a guideline, not a law but I think the default conservative position for a principal will be to enforce it vigorously. I think that’s the approach which causes the least headaches for a principal. It’s easy to send people home
  • The teaching profession are very angry with how they’ve been treated by the government. They see it as an unfair rule and they wanted time to plan for it and brief the kids. The teachers want the pubs shut down now, why should they be the ones to suffer?

So you keep proclaiming, it’s almost as I you think you’re sticking up for them in the same way as you were defending their resilience etc. All fairly banal stuff really.

And you have an opinion on this lasting damage matter you’ve raised, and by God you don’t need no giddamn politician to tell you…but you don’t have an opinion on masks cos you’re not a virologist…you’ll accept their wisdom in the effectiveness of ni masks, slipping masks and intermittent masks

It’s extraordinary stuff. Shouldn’t you just go and have your tea?


You shouldn’t be teaching, you are way out of your depth. Your distinct lack of tacit knowledge on kids, their psychology and their welfare is frightening.

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Wouldn’t be hard to be more resilient than that snowflake anyway.


Is this a precursor to mandatory vaccines for kids? We seem to accept all these recommendations mad an all as they are and don’t blink an eye…

Meanwhile the government did nothing about ventilation, did very little to address ICU capacity as for the state of mental health services in the country😡


“Your”, dimwit.

Der comin 4 Ur childeren

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Things Philip Nolan isn’t good at

  1. Statistical modelling
  2. Physics

Is he a professor of philosophy or some pile of shite?

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The CEO of Barnardos has called the threat of exclusion from school for kids who don’t wear masks abhorrent.


Hopefully. The real children you have to watch are the parents opposed to it.

On 4 December 2017, French parliamentarians passed a law extending the vaccination mandates for children up to 2 years of age from three vaccinations (against diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis) to 11 by adding vaccinations against pertussis, Haemophilus influenza b (Hib), hepatitis B, pneumococcal diseases, meningococcal C diseases, measles, mumps and rubella. This vote follows a recommendation made by the Steering Committee of the Citizen Consultation on Vaccination that took place in 2016. The law applies to all children born after 1 January 2018. Parents who do not fulfil the mandate will not be fined but non-vaccinated children will not be admitted to any collective child services such as nurseries or schools. No exemption other than for medical reasons will be considered.

Irish Council for Civil Liberties said the same thing a few days ago. That’s an organisation that annoyed me at the start of the pandemic by supporting the locldown but even if it isn’t perfect is now performing strongly and won itself a fair bit if moral standing with establishment types by supporting the lockdown, if nothing else.

Masks? No. Antigen tests? No. Air filtration? No.

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Ruh roh

Testing only up 47%

It is mandatory vaccines for all mate if Ursula gets her way. Its not good at all.

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Vaccine fascists here will love this leadership from Greece though.

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South Africa is the new Florida.


Common sense public health measures are triggering the shit out of the loonies. :clap: