You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Yes, because I know lots of kids,

Do you not understand that a schoolteacher would have a better handle on child psychology than virology?

Jesus wept :joy:

Serious hangover here I reckon

This poor godhelpus is a very fragile man, he’s traumatised by masks and he can’t understand why children wouldn’t be.

We’re effectively at full vaccination in Ireland. 95 per cent or so is beyond what any health official envisaged.

My older lad is vaxed so I’m not some anti-vax loon but, at least in Ireland, vaccinations are not the issue.


They certainly should.

The loons here now refuse to count children as part of the population.

Tremenjus seeing these sort of self-humilations.

It is completely abhorrent.

A country with the highest percentage vaccinated and they’re blaming kids now from 5-11 years of age.

Even some lads who privately have suspicion have to start looking at this.

The older generation should always protect the young. It should not be the other way around.

Not going to make one iota of difference posting here.

I’ll delete all these posts in awhile to drive the usual suspects into a frenzy anyway.


It is. The vaccination rate is beyond the most optimistic models of NPHET (and we know how good those models are).

We’re now vaccinating 5 year old kids to protect vaccinated adults. It makes no sense.


I cannot understand it. I also cannot understand how more people don’t get this fact. Its mental.

Maybe when the 5 year olds are vaccinated - they can take the masks off then?

Is that Holohans logic I wonder.

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A lot of Helen Lovejoys here.

Terrible wumming

I had this conversation with the boss the other night.

She isn’t allowing our 5 year old a vaccine, feels the child is too young and still at an important developmental stage.


You’re now an anti-vax loon

Welcome aboard.


Good to hear.

Will be intersting to see where your opinion would be if they mandate for school.

I wouldn’t rule it out either.

So masks have more to do with psychology than virology.
But it’s great that you have such insights into child psychology. Perhaps you could enlighten the forum as to why the resilience of our children matters here? Maybe @Fagan_ODowd could chip in and explain why so many parents are feeling bad today?



Excellent point as usual.

Did you not know he was a parody account glenshane?

I am not an anti vac type at all.

To me it’s very clear that the huge surge in Primary Schools currently is down to

  • the idiotic plan to halt contact tracing
  • parents dropping the guards once they were vaccinated

We’ve kept the kids out of childcare & school if they’ve had symptoms.
We’ve had them for numerous PCR tests and thankfully they’ve been negative each time.

But it’s quiet apparent that personal responsibility levels have dropped and cases have risen sharply since.

Masking children may not help, it may well help. I can’t say what it will achieve.

We can only do our best. :man_shrugging:


Nolan should weigh in on Thiago’s goal. If he’s on team topspin we’ll know it was backspin.

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