You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

ā€œFrom my own country, Ireland, where vaccination rates are among the highest in Europe at 93% of the adult population, the deaths per 1,000,000 population over the last 14 days were 15,ā€ said Ms Cooke.

"In two other European countries with vaccination rates of less than 50% the equivalent death rates were over 250 per 1,000,000 of the population.

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Based on that youā€™d wonder why NPHET are continuing to scare monger and produce silly models.


It wouldnā€™t reflect very well on the vaccine you see.

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Protecting a shit health system is their game but even the best healthcare systems can get over run. Their modelling seems to be shit but my point was more about answering the stupid question wondering where have vaccines got us.

The vaccinations have brought profitable returns for big pharma shareholders at the expense of taxpayers.

That is the square root of their impact.

I think vaccines have had a definite impact but I think making a vaccine cert now no longer a sufficient document for travel will undermine confidence in them.

Effectively a vaccinated person is treated the same as an unvaccinated person for travel - the only difference being a vaccinated person can use an antigen as well as a PCR test. That seems knee jerk and not based on data.

I also think that mandating masks for unvaccinated 9 year olds to protect vaccinated adults also undermines confidence in vaccines.

Iā€™ll get my booster when I can but the mixed messages on vaccines and around public health measures more generally are not helpful and point to a group that needs a refresh.

The problem with NPHET (and it applies to any group in situ for a lengthy period ) is they tend to be cognisant and defensive of their previous advice that was wrong and feel obliged to justify it while they drag their heels change it and that leads to mixed messages.

Antigen testing is a clear example of this. NPHET rubbished them. Now when their benefit is established NPHET gradually are forced to accept them but wonā€™t admit they got it wrong so the messages are all over the place.

A new advisory group would not have that baggage.


Your problem is with NPHET and the govt not the vaccine. Iā€™m not going to defend them but as I said to Mrs Hunt yesterday about the poor school principals, no matter what they do thereā€™ll always be someone giving out. Vaccines have saved lives and to question their success shows a deliberate refusal to accept reality.


Iā€™m the one who said vaccines would end this as an issue. I underestimated the weakness of politicians and the narcissism of health advisers.

I still hope Iā€™m right but we are now governed by social media.

And vaccines have taken lives.

You fuck off, you low life good for nothing.

Real life happens while curs like you talk poisonous shite online.


Stranded now for a few days, we have a reactor in our home.


There was also a virus to contend with.

The vaccine stops death and serious illness.

Daily reporting of case numbers, as we still do, post vaccine seems disingenuous as itā€™s linked to pre vaccine case numbers and they are not comparable.

Case numbers are still the most pertinent measure. Everything stems from that.


Iā€™d respectfully disagree here Horsey. We are absolutely flush with resources, probably the best off country in Europe right now. I take your point on resources to install but thatā€™s not a reason to not do it at all. If doing this had any appreciable impact on covid rates it saves restrictions which cost more money and cost people more than that in terms of their energy and mental health etc. If covid disappears next year then these things are still a benefit, fewer colds and flus into the future, fewer school days lost fewer work days lost, all of which add up to a pretty big benefit over time Iā€™d say. And of course covid is not disappearing. The use of antigen testing is similar in my view. Weā€™ve taken the approach of not trying any of these things and then when it blows up the answer is shut things down again there was nothing we could have done anyway. There seems to be no proactive prevention measures. Iā€™d find it a lot easier to accept where we are (repeatedly) if I could see that everything, or even anything, had been tried to mitigate infection rates.

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Do you want ventilation or climate agenda friendly buildings?

You canā€™t have both unless Paddy has suddenly become accepting of 8ā€™c room temperature


5k cases pre vaccination is absolutely certainly not the same as 5k cases post vaccination in terms of the dangers of serious illness and death. Surely thatā€™s something everyone can agree on?


Why the fuck are they on about local lockdowns all of a sudden ?

Youā€™re absolutely fuming over an innocent comment :joy:

I expect to be hearing about this for months, years probably, as thatā€™s your form

I think my point was clearly made despite you trying to muddy it over about 30 posts, good tactic.

The kids will get over it, theyā€™ll be just fine with having worn masks for a few months back in 2021/22

You donā€™t care, because all youā€™re interested in is looking like the smartest boy in the class :grinning:


Optics and to put manners on people.

Local lockdowns wonā€™t work this time around as people will rightly see them as a cod and ignore them.