You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


But we should still report case numbers in my view.

Having to fabricate stories shows the level of idiocy you are reduced to.

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We’ve had 63,518 cases in the past fortnight with less than 100 deaths.

I believe that would be less than 1/5th of 1% of the people catching COVID are dying from it (open to correction on that).


You are a poisonous low life prick and I know all about you.

The whole forum should learn a lesson from seeing the likes of you rattled by real life.

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Murder suicide is the only way here.

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You’ve decided that that’s the direct trade off have you? It’s an absolute binary choice between the two?

Despite all your insults, emojis and prevarication you still haven’t said why they’re wearing masks or why they need to be resilient?


You’re the guy who decided to bring an unverified (made up) story about a 12 year old nearly dying from Covid? Why did you introduce this made up story? Why did you bring it up without naming the individuals?

Was the 12 year old vaccinated?

Being a bullshitter and a bully doesn’t seem to have got you very far in life. You’re just an angry, emotional alcoholic who comes on an internet messagebosrd to lash out.

It’s telling that you find someone who questions the veracity of your clearly fabricated anecdote as “poisonous”. Make some more mealy mouthed threats to me, you sad little man.

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They won’t like addressing that.

This is weird even for you.


I never said they need to wear masks :grinning: I’ve made that quite clear, why do you put words in my mouth.

They don’t even need to be resilient, because this is suck a trivial matter in reality, you and your pals are the ones saying this is a huge deal for the children.

Kids do need to be resilient in Covid times but not on this matter,

I still can’t get over how much that post triggered you, you’re a bit of a nutter.

Now if you reply again please try to deal with the things I did say and not tje thinks you imagined that I said, don’t ask me questions that I’m grossly unqualified to answer as I won’t be able to.

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It is hugely revealing that this real life incident has sent you into a frenzy.

You can throw around all the insults you want. What you think, however erroneously, will never bother me.

I know who you are and I know what you are. You are a low life prick. Your own would do you over in the morning.

It’s weird to highlight a clearly made up story?

I guess a guy who goes around internet forums fabricating alleged “cool friends” he has fails to see the irony in calling someone on an internet message board is to be expected. You’re being needy and seeking validation again.

Okay, Queens Bhoy :rofl:

In all seriousness, this is downright weird and genuinely disturbing from a particular poster. It’s psycho stuff.

A real life incident but you can’t substantiate it.

Your insults and threats won’t work on me, you sad little bully. I’ll point out to your bullshit and you can just threaten me rather than support your bullshit story with something of substance. How do you think the optics of that reality looks?


The volumes of air exchange I have seen some reference delivered without heated fresh air would result in room temperatures of 5 to 8 degrees for the next 4 months
Can’t see Paddy adjust to those temperatures and the accompanying damp too.

So as we develop this idea what people are seeking is humidity controlled (cost) heated (cost) fresh air delivered by a ventilation system (cost)

Such a system would be retrograde on our path to carbon neutrality


From @Malarkey or somebody else ?

Keep shouting into the void.

You are a low life prick, a person of bad character, and even your own detest you. You are lucky I am a goodnatured person. From what I hear, you have no allies.

Deeming you a speak your weight machine – 2017 flu… people die of vaccines… – is accurate but charitable. The truth is that you have a personality disorder to the power of poison.

Now fuck off.

Pretty weak reasoning I have to say. Let’s not wear masks either, they are bad for the environment.