You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


It’s not an irony of my making, the same clown politicians, inter web and talk radio heads that are banging on about the climate agenda are whining about the lack of ventilation . If they are uninformed about both and can’t understand the contradiction they would be best advised to inform themselves


I’m not shouting. You’re the guy who runs around here in a fit or permarage and has now taken to labelling people as poisonous who negatively comment on you creating fictional stories or 12 year old friends nearly dying of Covid.

I don’t know if bullying, threatening and abusing people works for you with others but you don’t frighten me. I just see you as a nasty and sad little man who can bark very loudly but is not willing to bring on the repercussions of biting and that’s what makes you mad.

The whole forum knows your schtick now, you’re a bluffer - a nasty, abusive sad bluffer but your threats are viewed as very hollow and are your way of trying to compensate for a lack of social skills and a lack of respect.


I love it. A real life incident with a 12yo boy, now recovered, thankfully, peeled off your mask.

Your own detest you. No more need be said.

Gas Nordie cunt.

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Nope, maybe you’re drunk but people can see you made the whole story up.

You brought in a fictional account to pedal agenda, you got called out on it, you offered nothing to support your story - instead you just launched into a series of vicious tirades against people who questioned it.

If there was a 12 year old in ICU, we’d have heard about it.

You brought them into the discussion voluntarily, would they appreciate you doing so? I’m sure if they don’t mind you bringing them in then they shouldn’t mind you verifying details of this story.

Then again, maybe you made it up. What kind of person creates stories about 12 year olds nearly dying? Have a look inside yourself for the kind of low morals you have.

You’ve drawn a direct connection between two things that are at best tangentially related in order to make some sort of contrarian point.

You’d feel sorry for him tbh.

It’s a great aul craic rising lads to kill a few hours but he’s gone to new levels of weird cunt since initially shitting himself early doors of Covid.

Giving him oxygen replying is what he yearns so we’re all pretty damn stupid doing so but for me it’s a bit of aul banter too.

Shur, I’ve invented so much stuff, job, wife, kids, weed habit etc.

He’ll need it when he gets Covid.

The lad with the imaginary wife and kid and the IQ of a turnip feeling sorry for other lads.

The irony of it all is delicious.


That’s some amount of windmilling in fairness.
So I get what you’re saying…when discussing the issue of masks specifically you made a general point about how we underestimate children. But you weren’t talking about masks…just covid stimes in general type stuff.

Thank you for coming up with an explanation, eventually.


Couldn’t argue with this in fairness. Sanctimonious attention whores.

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Still odd to see the avowed flu deniers avoiding why they were silent when flu ravaged the health system every year.

The only thing of significance you need to take away is that I am a goodnatured person.

The young lad is fine. I was glad to see him at an U21 game last Sunday.

I love it when the mask peels away and the frenzied poisonous fuckwit blinks.

Your own detest you. No more need be said.

You’ve said that at least twice now. Maybe take your own advice ?

What is it to you?

Why did you make the story up and try to get abusive and threatening when I called you on fabricating it?

A well liked poster died a few years ago and he came in ridiculing the poster saying it was a made up account. He gets everything wrong. Fucking clueless.


Booedy hooedy.

Have the last word on here.

Anyone could have the real last word on you. Your own detest you.

I’m just asking you why you made it up. I can see the red mist is now settling and you feel a little embarrassed, you can apologise at any time.