You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

That was a fucking low point……

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He is a cur. And in real life too.

But I am bullying him, diddums.

And I am an alcoholic, because I know about whisky.

Lacks imagination, the same cur.

He thought it was a parody account and apologised shortly afterwards.

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Yes he got it wrong. He gets everything wrong. That’s my point.


That’s a bizarre comparison.

And another poster goaded a poster with rape jokes about their wife having cancer, got banned and tried to get the forum shut down as well as doxxing a load of other posters. That’s a poster you’ve aligned yourself with.

On the allegation above, it was another poster sometimes mistaken with myself who recognised he got the wrong end of the stick and apologised. He was supported by a few other posters who said they actually though the deceased poster was a multi of another poster.

Your fabrication that the deceased poster was ridiculed is actually incorrect and what you’re now, quite disgracefully doing is using the memory @Joe_Player to score cheap points on a discussion board.

And that should be called out roundly.

He thought a poster dying was a made up story. He thinks a 12 year old getting extremely sick is a made up story. You couldn’t get a more apt comparison.

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Where is the proof it’s a genuine story? It’s an anecdote from a bullying alcoholic voluntarily entered into a discussion to support his position. It hasn’t been substantiated in any way, shape or form.

No he thought an account on here was a parody account. It’s bizarre.

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Why did he think it was a parody account?

I remember you taking serious offence when someone said you gambled your dad’s farm away. They were obviously having a pop at your alleged gambling but you bizarrely took it as a pop about your dad.

The poster you are now defending mocked the death of another poster’s dad.


I’d imagine because during that time there was a lot of them.

You going to answer why you are using the death of a forum member to score points on here?

Were there?

I thought not @mikehunt

You cowardly cunt.

It’s interesting how nobody ever posts an anecdote that completely contradicts their dogmatic view on Covid. The anecdotes are always in support of a long held view.


A lot of us thought that account was a made up
account. Me included.


He also sneered and scoffed when I said a friend of mine had Long Covid, a truth I saw in person last October.

A poisonous cur.

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Go back to the circle jerk.

I didn’t. His hatred of Limerick was too pure. He was ahead of the curve on that.

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What’s shocking here is @mikehunt is not only fabricating his version of events but is using the incident in question to score points which completely undermines any respect for it, while up on his soapbox.

Meanwhile he’s there cosying up to a guy who tried to get the forum shut down, doxxed a load of posters on here when banned and goaded another poster about their wife having cancer.