You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


Itā€™s the sign of a desperate man when anecdotes are introduced to support their argument on here.

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Fire up another photo there you absolute Walter Mitty.


You showed what you are, oohing and aahing like Pippi Longstocking over a rich friend.

Was priceless how embarrassed you got.

TBF, until I was told otherwise by a trusted poster on here, I always thought @Joe_Player was a parody account. God youā€™d miss Joe all the same.


Not all. I mentioned a lad I know flies in a private jet and you lost the plot completely about it.

It says more about you than me but hey ho, kango, greasy, blah, blah, blah.

Stick to scribbling about hurling.


Yeah, because what you do is so very important.

You are just a Joe Soap who thinks he is a Joe Shampoo.

In other words: an average mediocre right wing vulgarian obsessed with status.

And embarrassed by it at times, in fairness.

'Tis lovely to see @TheUlteriorMotive and Fluvio all pally these days especially after what Fluvio said about him.

Desperate times make strange allies.

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Out of us all he would have coped worse than any of us with Limerickā€™s success.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Blah. Blah. Blah.

I do enjoy how much a lad flying on a private jet annoys you.

The world never recognised your self declared genius.

Boo. Fucking. Hoo.

That was @Cicero_Dandi

In fairness Iā€™m not the type of poster who holds grudges, I can get involved in vitriolic exchanges with anyone on here but not hold bad blood. Thereā€™d only be one poster on here who took matters on this message board into a very public domain and has never even offered any acknowledgement or atonement on that.

When I had a poster on here trying to PM me and engage in a rather sad attempt to strong arm me into not posting things about them because they were able to dish it out but not take it in return, I was decent enough to give him the option of making a public apology on the forum first for what he said. It seemed that poster was more interested in saving face that his stated claims.

Anyone gonna play the ball here or is it just pull on the man?


Does not annoy me in slightest ā€“ but saying so reveals your mindset in highly amusing fashion. You think people are envious of mediocre vulgarians with lots of money. Most are not. I am not. Why would I envy a stupid vulgarian?

LIFE magazine and Gerald Kean is your level. And everyone is so jealous of Gerald.

This is currently a melee. You just wired in right now, itā€™s no place for pleasantries.

@mikehunt like the absolute coward he is started with the cheap shots and then shat it. Iā€™d like him to acknowledge that he attempted to use @Joe_Player as an attempt to misrepresent an incident and score points off his back. Weā€™ve been finding out a lot about him and his complete absence of character lately.

Now, donā€™t have me invoke Rodney King too

Not even lying here. Fair play

Twitter will go through him for a short cut. Iā€™ll be surprised if heā€™s not sacked by the weekend. Fair play to him though very ballsy.

Great letter, wonder who helped him draft it.

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No, this is full on Colin Lynch/Tony Browne at the start of the 98 Munster final levels of pulling hereā€¦

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Shut your fuckin mouth you Tipp cunt


Fair fucks to him, now let the usual lunatics role in about how choice is a public health issue

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