You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Iā€™d be amazed if the loons donā€™t run him out of a job very quickly like dr Martin feeley.


deeming somebody as ā€œresilientā€ is incredibly condescending especially when you are making your judgement based only on observation and you arenā€™t in a position to experience it yourself. (given that we are all adults, physically anyway we havenā€™t a clue of what a child is feeling)
There is an almost colonial aspect to it.ā€œpaddy took it on the chin and ate his potatoesā€¦while we didnā€™t starveā€
The whole reason kids from what I can see are mandated to wear masks is to protect fully vaccinated adults, there is no other reason and to suggest thst ā€œweā€ are trying to make schools ā€œsafeā€ and ā€œprotectā€ kids from a thing that doesnā€™t impact them is pure folly.
The vaccine ship appears to sailed now, given you need a PCR to enter the country regardless of vaccine status and now children are being asked to wear masks and not socialise to protect vaccinated adultsā€¦so lads, Iā€™m not sure where this is headed reallyā€¦
Part of Hoolahan probably really wants children to get sick as it will make his decision to ā€œmask themā€ easier and you can see whyā€¦
the 94% vaccine number is staggering here , it proves there is no anti vax agenda for a start and it is now a great indicaor of the vaccines lack of protection.
are we asking kids to wear masks to protect this rogue 6% ? or can we just call these vaccines a flop?..yeah I get it , they have a waning half life and you need one every 3 monthsā€¦In that caseā€¦those who need those vaccines, prioritise themā€¦thatā€™ll keep them safe and let the rest of usā€¦including the kids ffs take our chancesā€¦which of getting actually sick are negligible


Iā€™d like to see some engagement on that rather interesting stat you posted earlier. It makes the virus sound extremely benign, which of course cannot be the case.

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i missed this one. perhaps it is time for the people TUM knows thread

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nah its diet coke. like liam dunne and brian omeara in 2001

So far there has been none.

While 90% of this forum is hot air, thereā€™s some really poisonous individuals on here spewing outright hatred and taking glee in the death and suffering of others just to be vindicated on the INTERNET. The day the particular poster youā€™re engaging with put up a picture of a then recently deceased lady to mock her was the day I stopped engaging with him. I suggest you and others do the same, youā€™re just facilitating his hatred otherwise.


Fair point.

I strongly try to avoid him. He went into a kind of frenzy over an entirely accurate remark about a friendā€™s son. Bad conscience, I guess.

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I donā€™t disagree that it would be a good thing to do to mitigate against Covid, I just think it would be an extremely difficult thing to do and would take a long time. Who would do it? The OPW? Thatā€™d take a while. Tender it out would be the only option Iā€™d say and we have a massive labour shortage already.

@Gman how viable/quickly could we improve ventilation in every public building in the country?

Have the courage of your convictions.

Itā€™ll be a top top thread.

im just mulling as to whether or not to start the thread with elaine ohara

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Go edgy or go home


fuck knows. Who would do it? youā€™d be looking at a day per unit for fitting I reckon and probably about a grand each. How many buildings would need it?

Never looked into it before, but a quick search here shows that there are approx 109,000 commercial buildings in ireland.

As far as I know, there are about 1,000 secondary schools and about 3,500 primary schools. Those would need multiple filters fitted. Any new school now does have a decarbonisation strategy incorporated into design and the DoES had been pushing back on these costs for the last while but are now reluctantly accepting the works.

thats a shitload of filters there just on what is known. Its a huge cost and if it was being managed by public departments, it will take twice as long as would be typical. Never mind the cost of it all.

Schools would be the one area which would be most beneficial. Bigger numbers in smaller areas in poorly ventilated spaces. At least in office spaces, people will complain about conditions and want things to be improved. Whereas in schools all you get is some guff about how shit it was years ago and everyone turned out fine.


Whatā€™s all this about bro?

Who builds and repairs schools?


Weā€™re not allowed call the vaccines a flop because @Tim_Riggins, @the_man_himself, @mikehunt and all the other mopes dug a hole for themselves and now would rather dig deeper rather than admit they got it wrong.

Coming from the guy who routinely likes to mock the dead that is some theatrical hand wringing.

cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

Nice pivot from Mark.