You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

More deflection tactics.

Iā€™d like if you were brave and backed yourself for a change.

Hereā€™s something for you Iā€™d like you to explain.

168 Covid recorded deaths in the north in Nov. 154 over 60, 14 under 60. Can you explain why 92% of the deaths are in a category that is almost universally fully vaccinated? Can you? If you fail to address this I will accept that as your acknowledgement that you are wrong.

What point are you trying to say that I made?

You didnā€™t address the question.

Wrong about what?

The vaccine.

What has it done for the u60s where it has been coerced upon?

Are you feigning ignorance for the fact that were mugged off?

Do you want to have a go at this now?

Do you want to give it a go? Do you want to tell us why 92% of deaths in the north (where transparent data is issued on a live basis) tell us that the deaths are happening in almost a fully vaccinated cohort?

Would you like to explain that one or does it embarrass you?

As I said at the time my reason for getting the vaccine was so that I could drink pints and travel. It has worked out very well so far.

On your figures there you say that 92% of deaths are in a cohort that is almost fully vaccinated. Do you have any data about what percentage of those that died were vaccinated?

Is he trying to blame this on John Delaney?

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Because there are so many people all over the population, including in the older age groups, infected which means that the likelihood of hospitalisation, while reduced with the vaccine, is significantly increased and that older age group are the most vulnerable.

If the older people werenā€™t vaccinated, the number of deaths would be higher.


For this sort of work, youā€™d be lucky to get builders or whoever to price it these days. Iā€™ve been involved in recent projects in a couple of different counties where the range of building work from alterations to extensions or whatever in schools ranged from 80k to 450k and they got no responses to the tender, or at best, one contractor pricing it which ultimately they cannot accept. Due to the etendering process, it both prohibits smaller contractors and others who couldnt be arsed with the additional paperwork that goes with it. To do something for the air filters, it would be tendered on a framework basis and most likely done on a regional basis, which is also a complete pain in the arse. It certainly can be done, and would be great to do so, but it would not be cheap and would not be done quickly.


Has it?

Why is that? You need a Covid test now to travel? You need a permission slip to drink a pint? You have premises closing at 12 and most places limited to table service? You have primary school kids now having to wear face nappies to protect fully vaccinated adults? And at a cost of literally billions to the taxpayer.

And you think itā€™s been a success? Youā€™re even more stupid than I thought.

Do you have an answer to this question?

A success vs. the alternative, yes

Yeah, so little to do with the vaccine.

The vaccine might reduce the impacts on older people and those in poor health which is positive but it has no real impact on young, fit and healthy people who never at risk to begin and what we can clearly see right now, it has had no real impact on the transmission and spread of the virus.

Give it to those at risk - eldelry and sick.

Outside of that itā€™s of negligible benefit.

At least Xmas is coming up and we can go full circle again and blame the people returning home for the rise in cases.

Johnny foreigners are the reason I wonā€™t be able to taste my pints and probably have COVID toe.

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You see I answer questions.

Again the data is released up north. What I can confirm is that the no of deaths for vaccinated people sits at around 75% of all deaths in the most recent periods. The proprtion of the population vaccinated in the north is around 67%.

So vaccinated Covid deaths > vaccinated population proportionately.

But itā€™s not about one age group versus another. If ā€˜young peopleā€™ arenā€™t vaccinated then that increases the spread in the community and will ultimately impact the vulnerable old people.

It seems that the vaccine impact on infection isnā€™t as strong as they initially hoped but there is some protection and considering the levels of cases there are everywhere then that protection can be significant in terms of numbers.

Also, the vaccine has barely any proven issues with it so why not get it?

Itā€™s absolutely ridiculous you coming on here with your facts, knowledge and real life experience. Thereā€™s absolutely no place for it in this thread.


Thatā€™s just nonsense. The virus is spreading in the vaccinated population like wildfire, itā€™s clear as day in terms of transmission the vaccine has been a compete and utter failure and anyone who tries to argue contrary tonight is not near well.

The vaccine has a minimal chance of side effect but there are cases of it causing serious side effects and deaths. Iā€™m not afraid of the vaccine but Iā€™m not afraid of Covid either - both represent a minimal chance of something bad happening. The only upside to me getting the vaccine is if perceive it to protect me from something, what itā€™s meant to protect me from does not scare me.

You seem to be living under the pretense that the vaccine is good at stopping spread, clearly itā€™s not or we wouldnā€™t be living in a restricted society with masks, Covid passports, indoor limits, earlier closing times etc and cases going through the roof.

@mickee321ā€™s post above covers it. None of this would happen if the vaccines were of any use. Thereā€™s a certain element of society who they give benefits to, make them available to them, encourage them to get them and let everyone else getting on with things.

The problem really is people like you and others from the vaccine category who are apparently very afraid of the virus but think the vaccine gives you a free pass to do things you couldnā€™t without it.


I donā€™t think anyone thinks it would be a quick win. But itā€™s fairly clear that itā€™s a mitigation measure that would have an effect. Our goal is living with covid, we might as well start investing in that being the long term way of things.

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Basic maths are beyond his comprehension. His myopia prevents him from seeing the bigger picture.

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