You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Another point too is that there are young people getting sick and a vaccine seriously reduces that chance. Also impacts less on the health system.

Again why not take it?

Whatever about not taking it, itā€™s them saying theyā€™re no good that is baffling.

Flesh that out with figures.

You seem to talking in fantasy there.

Also interesting considering your dismissive comments on flu previously. Would you like to retract those?

I knew Iā€™d regret responding to you.

Iā€™m done,


Yeah. fuck off back to your covid riddled family @gman, if they even exist. I bet they donā€™t.


id 100% agree with you, the only reason why any of us got it is for that reason, unless we were over 60 or medically vulnerable
Look, ive no doubt the vaccine works, and i cant speak for him but im sure @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy does also, @Copper_pipe shows numbers there above that they do work and thats great. It works for those who need it.
BUT the question has to be asked, as they no doubt do work, why are we masking kids to prevent infecting vaccinated people ? it doesnā€™t make sense.
Also, most of us here got vaccinated by convenience, not by medical need so again why are there situations where we need to be vaccinated to say enter a pub? given the vaccine for us has no added value and we are putting nobody at risk as those who need the vaccine should already have it and they clearly have a very effective vaccine.

The Greeks probably have it right, making it law that those over 60 need to be vaccinatedā€¦ i got vaccinated because im a selfish cunt like the rest of here, i wanted to go the pub and go to crete for a weekā€¦ there is no need for a vaccine to be wasted on a cunt like meā€¦ give it to person my age in Africa who needs it or give it to an old man thereā€¦ it might save his lifeā€¦
BUT - it was mandated that healthy people needed it to continue normal life , so you take it for that reason
thatā€™s the problem lads


Lads on here donā€™t give a fuck about people in Africa, they want their booster so the can have pints and go to England for the soccer at the weekend


The vaccine has health benefits to over 60s or those with health issues

It has little health benefits to under 60s & those u60 with no health issues

I think anyone with an ounce of common sense can agree on that.

its shortsighted and disgusting
but look , thats the situation the government has created, all they need to do is make it law for over 60s and medically vulnerable to be vaccinated and when need get the boosters here for them and delivered prontoā€¦
Fuck the rest of us, we clearly dont need this thing - why waste it on usā€¦if this vaccine works, let it protect those who need it

that is it- nobody can argue with that

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Living with Covid means exactly that, it should not involve wasting ā‚¬1 billion euro and incalculable carbon costs on impracticable ventilation systems.
Living with Covid = living with the common cold

Healthy people donā€™t do anything exceptional to avoid the common cold and in time thatā€™s how humanity will cope with Covid too.

Covid parties would be more practical


2 years on and you have fully grown men in their 40ā€™s still hiding under the bed from this absolute cod of a thing, Ireland has another 3 years of this shit left to run, they will probably open up again next September/October


Isnā€™t there something in some states in America whereby if you get work to do a state school or the like , if you tender at a certain price and the costs and timeline run over , you pay the difference even if that means another company coming in and completing task ā€¦thought I heard an anecdote from Boston on that happening ā€¦

We didnā€™t open things early in the summer because Michael Martin said that when he opened things, he wanted to be sure they would stay opened.


Vaccination Status of Deaths and Hospitalisations Report

Key Findings ā€“ Hospitalisations:

ā€¢ Three-quarters of adult inpatients aged under 50 are unvaccinated.

ā€¢ More than a fifth (22%) of inpatients aged 50 and over are unvaccinated.

ā€¢ Unvaccinated individuals aged 50 and over are 5 times as likely to be admitted to hospital as fully vaccinated individuals.

ā€¢ For adults under 50, whilst the numbers admitted to hospital are lower, an unvaccinated individual is almost 18 times as likely to need hospitalisation.

Key Findings ā€“ Death:

ā€¢ Unvaccinated individuals aged 50 and over are almost four times as likely to die.

There are tables, which Iā€™ll try to find, which at first sight at least, donā€™t tally with these findings.

Has gavan Reilly eā€™re an aul leak from the NPHET meeting yet?

So for the dates 11/10/21 - 7/11/21

This report presents results for Northern Ireland on the vaccination status of patients who have been hospitalised
from COVID-19 and of those who have died from COVID-19 for weeks 41 to 44 (11th October to 7th November 2021)

Hospital Admissions
ā€¢ 70% of adult COVID-19 inpatients aged under 50 are unvaccinated. 20% of COVID-19 inpatients aged 50 and
over are unvaccinated.
ā€¢ Unvaccinated individuals aged 50 and over are almost 5 times as likely to be admitted to hospital with COVID-
19 than fully vaccinated individuals.
ā€¢ For adults under 50, whilst the numbers admitted to hospital are lower, an unvaccinated individual is almost
11 times as likely to need hospitalisation from COVID-19.
ā€¢ Unvaccinated individuals aged 50 and over are more than 4 times as likely to die than fully vaccinated individuals.

Somebody smarter than me can try to explain what to me seems ananomaly at least

These are deaths for same period


And death rates per 100,000 (Rows correspond to Age cohort rows in table above)


Heā€™s the worst Taoiseach weā€™ve ever had. At the worst possible time.

He couldnā€™t lead a sing song


Businesses have been told not to order stock for week before Christmas. A fire gap of 7-10 days to Christmas Eve.

Iā€™d expect increased restrictions from next Monday and a further ramp up the following Monday.

This is probably the last weekend for PINTS til MIDNIGHT

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@Tank are you still calling dec 12?
im going all merciful LD dec 28 and no schools back