You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

We don’t talk about Scandinavian countries when it doesn’t suit.


It’ll be the covid placentitis for 2022.

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A lady who died a few months back, up north. He posted a picture of her to ridicule her and her weight to make light of COVID or some shit. She was only dead a day or a few hours…

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that is correct and many more of us did.
whatever about the to and fro on this thread it is very wrong to suggest otherwise on that instance and some of the abuse directed at him was disgusting post his apology.
Whilst we all should have profiles and dossiers compiled on each other many of us don’t clearly…this forum is 99.99% wumming anyway and most of us had have at least 5 accounts at this stage id say…so it’s an easy mistake to make

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Can you provide evidence of this please?

that is reasonable

Pubs to close at 10?

What? What the actual fuck? As John McEnroe would say, “You cannot be SERIOUS!”

If they close at ten over Christmas I will riot.


ZERO outbreaks linked to Public houses in the week to the 27th :expressionless:

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It’s almost a certainty.

Pubs need to be shut untill next April.

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Farcical. But enough people will back it again.


Not great news for those relying on natural immunity. I suppose after their snearing over their boosters that the likes of @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy will be issuing an apology?

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Christmas is cancelled, go back to ye’re hovels ye useless cunts

The Shebeens will be flaking it again :pint:

Surely they mean 3 households

I knew