You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Yis had better hope those red lines start moving to the right very quickly. Otherwise we’re back to lockdowns in January.

Bastards should be arrested

the sitting window wide open and the mother in law blue with the cold


Too busy working or just too plain stupid to know better?

Too fucking self important

Finland isn’t part of Scandinavia, Tim.

You can tell the wanker parents always looking to apportion blame …


Shur look it

They can trot all the stats and facts they like. They’re lying.

Between lads not willing to get a vaccination & lads looking for funding to overbreed dogs for 25 lads to bet on them chasing a fake hare….

Hard to stay “ Zen “ but no point getting excited.

We can only do our best, you know the saying “ live your best life “

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And you’ll be delighted.

We were going to be locked down in January no matter what

But, but, but…

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I might pretend to be just to piss you off.

if these new restricted pub opening hours come in, what are we talking about?? 10pm??

I’ll handle a 3 month lockdown if Meehole misses his last chance to go to the White House for St Patrick’s Day


Poor Robert.

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Robert is soft as shit.

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