You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

We will be back in the Shebeens drinking large bottles of cider again this Christmas.

2 more weeks

I think there’s some grated cheese stuck behind your computer screen, mate.

They do realise the South African variant was a complete cod ?


If Christy Moore gets cancelled I’ll be taking to the streets.

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Moderna CEO is saying the lads will need a double booster.

Omicron is a gamechanger.

A gamechanger in terms of profit.

Medical products that cure fuck all.

The uncle of this poor lad went to check on his well-being and was threatened with arrest for breaking lockdown.

The closure of schools and lockdown and the suspension of child welfare visits etc has had a devastating effect on child welfare and I expect we’ll only hear about a lot of it in the years to come.

But sure Pints and it’s only a mask.

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People are in a hypnotic state at the moment. We have to be kind to them.

I would suspect that this case in particular only used lockdown and covid as an excuse. The culprits involved were absolute deviants


You’d want to be some lowlife to blame lockdown rather than the perpetrators in that tragic case.

No doubt. Perpetrators are evil personified.

But lockdown facilitated it by removing contact with schools, other family members and child care agencies.

The fact that the police were more concerned with the uncle breaking lockdown than a young boy’s life is disgusting to any right thinking person.


Its a right kick in the hole for @glasagusban seeing the mandatory hotel quarantine legislation being brought in again after the world class “we’re all in this together” effort on the vaxx front.

Don’t take it out on people that don’t agree or believe in the bullshit narrative,

Get your booster and you’ll be grand until April, kid.


You’re absolutely right. I’m sure there were much worse things experienced by school children as a result of school closures.
It’s strange where lads find consolation.


What makes me really upset about the upcoming new restrictions is that the whole thing could be solved in a moment if we just threw all the anti-vax tinfoil hat freaks out of ICU and onto their heads.

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Lockdown is affecting people’s mental health in a big way yet people on here still deny their is a mental health epidemnic.

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Heartbreaking. I know a couple of people who work in emergency child protection and provision. The lockdowns were horrendous. A huge spike in demand for services.

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It’s insanity. This tiny proportion of the population are clogging up our hospitals and ICU’s to the extent that restrictions have to be introduced for everyone again.

Has one tiny group of oddballs ever had such an impact on the rest of society before?


The Labour Party have been kingmaker in government in this country for years. And the PDs

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My body my choice.

Vaccine fascists can mandate what they want.

It won’t make a difference. Its a shame that you don’t have enough faith in the jabs.

End of the day, your vaccine either protects you or it doesnt???