You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Thats spot on…you could go back to pre 2020 when the icus were empty and the health service wasn’t overrun

Do you realise that people that won’t take the vaccine are the reason we have restrictions? You’re the reason we have restrictions. You really are a complete arsehole.

I was going to say the PDs actually. Even they never had this much impact on society.

Weirdo parasites defined only by their own cantankerousness. Incapable of rational thought. I respect their fundamental right to choose, but they should be left to die on the street.

You’re completely wrong. I have never had covid, mate.

How could I be the problem?

You’ve completely lost all of your left wing values.

Why do we respect their choices? They’re clearly morons. We’re actually introducing restrictions on all of society rather than just saying, ok, morons we don’t respect your choices, fuck off.

Which makes more sense from a societal point of view?

Get a better vaccine.

You have completely abandoned your nice guy persona here.

The figures coming out of South Africa are absolutely frightening. Omicron is likely to be a game changer for Europe, and that will mean no Mr. Nice Guy in terms of how we treat the bedwetters who remain unvaccinated. They’ve been coddled long enough as it is.

If all the unvaccinated people clogging up hospitals and icu had had the vaccine, most of them wouldn’t be in hospital and we would have lots of hospital capacity. If we had lots of hospital capacity we wouldn’t need restrictions.

Instead of space in hospitals we have morons holding the country to ransom by blocking up ICU beds.

That’s one of the most appalling court cases that i have ever read.

The poor lad.

We live in a very cruel world.


Get a grip, mate.

Is it true that 6% of the population are responsible for 50% of covid hospital admissions over the last month?

Yep. If they’d had the vaccine no restrictions would be necessary.

Yes. These anti-vaxx freakshows need to be rounded up and (given a) shot.


Countries with way more hospital capacity than us are floundering.

Everything comes back to the level of virus in the community.

More hospital capacity would be great, but the level of virus in the community is overwhelmingly the main issue.

It is likely this will soon explode in a way we have not seen before.

Call around and offer them the shot and if they decline ask them to sign a form waiving their right to medical treatment in hospital.

Surely that would be fair? We could all move on with our lives then and no restrictions would be needed.

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Bullshit. You’re a spoofer.

That is @carryharry levels of nonsense.

Check the figures dum dum. The unvaccinated are the problem. They’re overwhelming our hospitals. No unvaccinated, no problem.

The elderly and people with several underlying illnesses are regardless of jabs.

No need to resort to name calling.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here, but all the figures show the unvaccinated are the problem. Yes some vaccinated people get ill but we have capacity to deal with them.

Take all the unvaccinated out of hospital and we’d be flying it. Why should the rest of the country be held to ransom by such morons?