You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Jesus I’d forgotten that cunt. He milking it dry.

He hasn’t been seen or heard much off. Even dunphy doesn’t have Tomas Ryan on anymore.


Wasn’t it Tomas Ryan who said he never heard of Leo Messi :rofl:


Ryaner was dangerous

We made it



He was just an odd ball. McConkey was a dangerous character, ever so slightly unhinged.

Lads, can we not all agree that Covid was a wonderful time for the Internet.

It was the ultimate serious bidness.

What a time it was to be alive.

103 unread posts. Lads on this forum are longing for lockdown again. :grinning:

Its oft asked which 4 people you’d like to have over for dinner. But if you were to do a roll call of ones not to have over Luke O Neill, Tomas Ryan, Sam McConkey and Gerry Kileen would fit the bill.


I do wonder will anything like this ever happen again? It’s been a rocky five years ago but I’d say I won’t see world war 3 or anther pandemic. I’m one of the younger posters on here too.

Shit can only get worse, chief.

Get out there and live your best life would be my advice

Academic :egg: heads that were social numptys doing research given airtime and the :sheep: nodded along, you couldn’t make it up.

In fairness, did your crowd not block young people like @BruidheanChaorthainn generation for two years plus recently, out of pure fear and cowardice on yer own part.

Scared of yer shit.

Its a bit rich to be bleating that tune now pal.

To be fair to Luke he was ready to rock before a lot of them. He was following the science. The rest were just having too much fun in lockdown

I wouldn’t be opposed to a two week lockdown after January 6th every year. A bit of space to take stock of life

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Thankfully the wonderful vaccines ended the emergency phase of the pandemic but we need to remain vigilant & many of tonight’s posts have an altogether inappropriate sneery tone. Closing down the test centres & disabling the Covid tracker app seem like premature moves, as we surely need to see how this plays out for another few flu seasons. I’d my latest booster at Christmas so I’ll be up again in June/July - that should leave me in fine fettle for the summer BBQ season.

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Are you not having a little lockdown every afternoon :zzz:

Immunity & Vaccine take up :clap:

You did what you had to do to get through this guys. Not everyone did. Not everyone could.

Be proud of yourselves. I love you all.