You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

He was sane at the outset.

He was seduced by the idea that scientists could save the world. Some early wins in isolated countries and authoritarian countries have them a confidence.

I think the likes of Ryan, McLysaght and Killeen were top of the tree lunatics.

Re opening the schools in January 2022 was the ultimate turning point. There were genuinely fellas saying weā€™d have kingspan breffni park full of miniature bodybags. Few weeks later it was all over. Weā€™d still be in lockdown if schools stayed closed then.
Normal people got over it and started ignoring it around may 2020 Iā€™d say. Dads throwing their eyes to heaven at outdoor birthday parties. Once we realised kids werenā€™t in danger it was stay away from granny and grandad and business as usual.

3% of kids ended up in hospital with it according to Gerry Killeen.

They did in their fuck. I genuinely didnā€™t hear of one kid who got bad symptoms. And some kids were kept inside for the guts of 18 months :tired_face: it was absolutely phenomenal what went on. Now the virus still exists, absolutely nobody is vaccinated and life goes on as normal. Yet itā€™s just never mentioned. I wouldnā€™t be fond of far righting but when I go at it about covid I go at it awful and very hard.

Murderers row of pricks

Kids who ended up in hospital with other stuff got tested and the numbers went up a bit.

Youā€™re off your head, unless peak shakira made Sunday dinner at oā€™sheaā€™s an absolute prerequisite to the ride, in which case fair enough

Chief lockdown advocate backtracks by transferring lockdown advocacy onto others. Its right up there with ā€˜the weird cult isnā€™t this woke cult , itā€™s normal peopleā€¦ā€™


We were abandoned by science and fear filled in. I doubt there was a person here who wasnā€™t fearful for the first few weeks as we entered the unknown but the absurd quickly knocked sense back into people.
Itā€™s funny now to see the same clique so adamant on covid and all the absurdity surrounding it are just as adamant iny every other threadā€¦ Itā€™s like they learned nothingā€¦ Your @glasagusban , and your @carryharry , and your @Cheasty and your @mikehunt and your @croppy_boy snd your @Malarkey and a clatter more. Their self-righteousness as always is their undoing. They must be 12 shots in at this stage.


You must have the morning free :grinning:

Iā€™m no Nostradamus but before the cockerel crows tomorrow morning you are going to be called ā€œright wingā€, ā€œa stoogeā€ and something something personality by the lads who hid under the bed during Covid because it was so deadly and now want to launch nuclear weapons at a country that has the second largest arsenal of nuclear weapons

Oh and you are clearly a Nazi.

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Vaccine junkies

You arenā€™t in a position to know what normal people think.

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That was class. He had the awkward squad hopping.

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You canā€™t lump me in with all the others. I was against all the silly restrictions and vehemently against the zero covid agenda but supported sensible measures like locking the awkward squad out of society.


Iā€™d ask the jury to disregard my earlier evidence against Glas.


Iā€™m a tremendously likeable poster, @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy said so.

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I completely missed thisā€¦ Wont be long before they add in healthy adultsā€¦

Thats if they havenā€™t killed them all.

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A lad with a cert in Irish history telling medical professionals that they were wrong and he was right about the worst virus the world has seen in a century. And they get offended when we tell them theyā€™re mental.

Where have i told anyone anything? Weā€™re just laughing at you under the bed hiding from the postman delivering your childā€™s birthday cardsā€¦ The only mentaller here is you clearly.

But do enlighten us about these qualified medical professionals. What part of their education stressed the importance of 9 euro meals to combat a virus :smiley: