You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Medical professionals are unfortunately wrong quite a lot about stuff they see regularly. None of them had seen a global pandemic before so it’s understandable they got lots wrong.

That’s become clear in hindsight. I accept they didn’t have the information we have now but the opprobrium at questions during the pandemic wasn’t a good look for them and confirms a certain view of senior medics having a God complex.

Hopefully lessons have been learned.


The ladz wanted public health run by a crack team of Gina from Hugo’s restaurant, that Paul Treyvaud headbanger and Ewan MacKenna.

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All thanks to Gerry Killeen preventing the previous potential ones


It really was staggering fellas lack of basic cop on. Abdication of all responsibility and unable to do their own risk assessments. Not wanting to take control or ownership of their own lives and indeed suspend it on the whims of a highly flawed medical officer. Yes hindsight is 2020 but there were no shortage of voices on here also back in 2020. The latest admission by the WHO that teenagers dont require vaccination was heavily supported by any and all data from back then. We could see mortality data by age group but yet headbangers on here wanted to deprive kids of an education if they didnt take the vaccine. There was all loss of reason and sanity.

“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one”.


Did that really happen, I don’t recall anything of that nature

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There’s a few Teruo Nakamura types here.

You’d have been a fool not to trust confident guys like this.

Again this fella became an arch Zero Covider a couple of months after this. Explain?

This idea that we didn’t follow the experts early on is bullshit.

I’d have sympathy with any government who was looking at an unprecedented health crisis and relying on the HSE to get them through it.

You couldn’t blame them for taking extra precautions.

It doesn’t matter if it happened. They think it did and that’s all that counts.

Wasn’t it @Juhniallio who went for a swim and the guards called him out of the water to see if he was 5 km from home

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Yeah, like the time he “found” the lad swimming that night.

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Was McConkey part of the decision making process?

I don’t ever remember anybody here advocating for schools to be a vaccinated only sphere,
But it’s an attention grabber alright, handy likebait

The lads who were out clapping for healthcare workers were the first to demand their dismissal. It was a helluva turnaround


Remember the time it was reported in Ireland that covid posed a danger to unborn infanta and lads on here went apoplectic and called it misinformation and an outrage and all sorts, but I think it was proven to be true then.

They’re going nuts on this thread about lunches that cost €8 two years and bemoaning the cost of living on another thread. You’d nearly admire their commitment to being so outraged all the time.

It was mate. Most swim related tales here involve me in some shape or form.

You sure? I certsinly remember the hse running a campaign to get women to get vaccines and that they were safe for pregnant women?

He’s a medic. Is that not what you are referring to?

The “appointed” medics had similar transformations. Why did Holohan’s thoughts on travel change so much?

The appointed medics weren’t supposed to be making decisions anyway.