You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Fairly sure. I remember there being apoplexy on here when it was reported that covid posed a danger to the unborn.

Iā€™m sure the lads that were going mad about it will recall it and hold their hands up.

The lads who hid under the bed do get very mad when they are reminded they hid under the bed.


But are they not entitled to change their minds as more information becomes available. Better than digging their heels in and denying the reality of what was unfolding, like the signatories of the not so Great Barrington declaration of whom you hold to the highest regard.

The economic doom which was forecast never did come to pass. Economies recover, dead people donā€™t.

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Has it been proved? I thought the real danger was pregnant women were essentially vulnerable and therefore were being pushed to get vaccinatedā€¦ I donā€™t recall anything ever being said about the unborn actually being at riskā€¦ But itā€™s not something Iā€™ve ever read too much on.

Theyā€™re embarrassed.


Fuck me they were some shower of head the balls.

The mentallers still think the signatories have been vindicated. The economic catastrophe they were all prexicting never happened either.

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The only thing that changed was that they saw how people took so well to one lockdown so thought it could be continued. Believe it or not the idea to lockdown at the ā€œappropriateā€ moment had been thought through.

The economic implications are being felt now. Countries that closed its borders like the U.S. have seen higher inflation. Inflation was well embedded by the time of Russian invasion due to printing of money for so long.

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The same loolahs who bought into it have moved on to actively trying to create an economic catastrophe.

Their whole ideology is about creating armageddon. They wanted a health armageddon and are the same people trying to create a climate armageddon.

An end times cult basically.

People were not happy with lockdowns but they understood the reasons for it. They could see the images from Italy, Spain and the UK of hospitals and health systems on the verge of collapse.

The economic conseqences predicted by the let it rip brigade never materialised.

But you arenā€™t addressing the points made.

Sam McConkey said closing international travel would be a disaster in March 2020 when we had already seen hospitals overran in Lombardy.

Tony Holohan did the same publically and privately.

Their views didnā€™t change on this because the virus changed, they changed because they saw the tolerance for the first lockdowns and money getting printed to pay for it.

Thatā€™s not science.

The argument against lockdowns were for financial/economic reasons. Hindsight now shows that these fears were unfounded. You can focus on Jerry Killeen and Sam McConkey, understandably considering you agree with the likes of Sunetra Gupta. She predicted an economic armageddon. She also predicted minimal casualties. She was horribly wrong on both counts.

Here we are, again, and you still a fuckwit and a personality alibi merchant. Therefore you have plenty of problems ā€“ not least being so brain dead as still not to be able to move beyond the ā€˜let everyone get Covidā€™ inanities. Your ego still smarts about getting everything so wrong. Bless. An awful lot of gobdaws like you gave hours reading cranks online and only succeeded in making themself more stupid and more ignorant. Quite an achievement, in a way.

Still, it greatly amuses me that what I say is so treasured by fuckwits. I guess the dynamic is like tramps huddling round a brazier.

I said two main things at the time, both of which were entirely correct:

1 That case numbers in the early to middle stages of the pandemic meant that the disruption caused by infection rates would effectively mean what I termed ā€˜a rolling lockdownā€™. I was only applying simple logic.But I guess I was aided by the fact that I have not been lobotomized by personality or ideology or stupidity.

2 That the vast majority of people in Ireland (and elsewhere) would not have accepted a no restriction regime along the lines proposed by morons like you. This reality is immanent in the fact that 96% plus of Irish adults over the age of 18 subsequently took a Covid vaccine. The moronic nature of your ā€˜takeā€™ is abundantly evident in your histrionics about a vaccine mandate while simultaneously endorsing the state putatively mandating peopleā€™s exposure to risk by travelling and going to work.

Perhaps you are so anti vaccine because you know there will never be a vaccine that could help you: namely, a vaccine against stupidity. Nothing to do with me. Take up the matter with your parents.

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The GomadƔn does a turn as Mick Wallace.

I do wonder what it feels like waking up every morning and feeling stupid.

Oh Jesus.

These morons crave my attention in a highly odd manner.

Unfounded my hole. 3 years later and my business is just getting back to where it was. It might have been grand for you, you ignorant fool.


Very few people disagreed with the first lockdown.

I didnā€™t focus on those two, I mentioned the top appointed medical official in the country and how his ā€œadviceā€ changed dramatically.

His mentor Darina Oā€™Flanagan was the same. She was one of the people responsible for handling SARS in 2003. Herself and the team were of the view that stopping flights or quarantine from China was wrong. That continued into COVID. Within a year she was the one decided whether people should be locked in a jail hotel or not, using out of date data and dragging the State through never ending court cases to defend it.

You have to ask why the advice and the approach changed. COVID was a different beast to the original SARS outbreak, but that was clear by March 2020 when they still denied it.

The only thing that really changed was the parameters of their advice could change as they saw the power and influence they had over the public & that States would fund the first lockdown. That was then using short term reactions to a potential long term problem.

We are very fortunate that the vaccines came when they did tbh.

So itā€™s getting back to normal?

If this is a clumsy attempt at a pop at me what actually happened was one of my best friends was pregnant at the time of the vaccine rollout and was reluctant to get the vaccine due to reports that it could be harmful to unborn babies. While this appears not to be the case it was a perfectly understandable position for an expectant mother to take given the level of uncertainty that prevailed at the time. You called her a ā€œstupid cuntā€ if I remember correctly which shows plenty about your character and exposes just how intolerant you are of others.

Youā€™re the same guy who ridiculed me for months when I foresaw the vaccine mandate saying they would never do such a heinous thing and you then became itā€™s biggest cheerleader when they rolled it out calling for anyone who didnā€™t get the vaccine to be denied medical care and access to social services. When I pointed out to you that a large percentage of those who were vaccine hesitant were immigrants you had some mealy mouthed ā€œwell maybe we can excuse them something something somethingā€ before skipping along to the next virtue you can signal about and scream about how great a person you are and hoe anyone who doesnā€™t exactly align with your warped worldview is a nazi.

You are the poster boy for everything that is wrong with social media, a scumbag who presents themselves as someone who really cares about other people but when the surface is scratched even a little your true character is revealed.