You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Ooh fuck that’s a filleting! Someone get glas an ambulance. Headshot.



I wonder what it’s like to wake up every morning and not remember the night before.


Calm down


The GomadĂĄn has the alcohol line and he is sticking to it.

The GomadĂĄn is a career moron.

Yeah. The sort of scumbag who makes up paedophilia allegations because he is so stupid that he repeatedly gets filleted on an online forum. That sort of scumbag.

Case numbers were no use. They were totally inflated by the money racket RT PCR test which was used at cycles of amplification that rendered it beyond useless. You were totally wrong at the time on that point.

To your second point on the vaccine/s, we were told initially that they would 100% stop transmission and provide immunity. That was all lies. Of course they knew that at the time too. Pfizer have since admitted they couldnt prove anything at all around transmission. In a sense the covid vaccines were just a medical procedure. For me anyway in order to call a medical product a vaccine id like to see it tested properly and the product to actually be proven to work. None of that happened.

Re the covid era overall, the whole thing was an easily identifible cod from the middle of April 2020 onwards. It was never going to be a threat to 99.7% of the population. The people it was going to affect would have to be as cautious around the flu, commom colds etc. The propoganda and fear mongering from RTE and the mainstream media kept the whole thing going and good lads like yourself just went along with it without a second thought.

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There’s been a murder lads.


TFK is great. I hope the 18 of us posting here properly appreciate it.

All kicking off on a covid thread on a Friday afternoon in 2023. :joy:


You are raving, because (a) you are mule stupid; and (b) your ego cannot handle being so wrong.

Case numbers were no use

Go away and stop wasting my time, you utter flute. I was totally right and subsequent events proved this aspect beyond doubt. But it does amuse me to see you squirm and humiliate yourself.

we were told initially that they would 100% stop transmission and provide immunity

A complete fabrication. No vaccine in the history of the world has ever been touted as 100% effective. This utter shite from you is just typical of the absolutism inherent in the childish right ring perspective. Basically, you are a fuckwit in the grip of some sort of personality disorder. Your ‘take’ was never about Covid. Your ‘take’ arose from the prior situation of being a right wing loolah. Let me guess: you do not believe in climate change. The vaccines worked. If they did not, in a basic sense, how and why is the situation different today than was the case in 2020 and 2021? It is also the case that pandemics recede – as I pointed out at the time – due to the virus becoming simultaneously more contagious and less lethal. Precisely this arc occurred – a facet never acknowledged by fuckwits like you, because this facet embarrasses your ignorance, then and now.

an easily identifible cod from the middle of April 2020 onwards. It was never going to be a threat to 99.7% of the population

I know I need not tell you: ‘Keep deluding yourself.’ You have not got the intellect to grasp even remotely complex points about cause and effect. But it is good (and coldly amusing) to see one of the central fuckwits restate their credo: ‘Everyone should have been let get Covid!’

You are a complete and utter fuckin’ moron. Now fuck off back to yourself. I have useful things to be doing, like rewatching Au Hasard Balthazar. There is such a thing as an interesting donkey.

The Gomadán is getting on intimate terms with a barrel’s nether regions.

Mick Wallace hates the GAA. The GomadĂĄn loves what Mick Wallace hates.

The GomadĂĄn loves trying to give himself a personality by doing an online Mick Wallace turn. Sad, but amusing.

The mental gymnastics and outright lies some people tell themselves to convince them they are right is fascinating to behold.


You have to admire @Horsebox, he fucking lays waste to a lad when he leaves the chin out.


By your own logic uttered a few posts up you are a scumbag… Take it up with yourself.

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All of that craic was covered, ad nauseam. Someone should not try to tar every GAA member with a particular brush. But you are The Gomadán, after all. You would not know, as a former American football ‘fanatic’ and someone for whom hurling was invented in 2018.

I am delighted to reduce you what you are: a pathetic try on act. Keep humiliating yourself, because there is a funny side.

Smiley face.

Your words. Own them, you scumbag.

No, you mentaller it was not a pop at you.

There were news reports that came out in Ireland first about covid causing danger to the unborn. There was uproar here calling it made up, I’m sure the posters that were so incensed remember it. It was proven anyway and they all went quiet. That’s my memory of it.

I don’t recall calling your friend a stupid cunt and couldn’t find the post with a search but sure maybe I did and maybe she was.

I was wrong about the vaccine pass and posted acknowledging that and apologising. Apparently you’re still upset about that though. Maybe you’ll get over it some day.

I’m curious where you got this, where have I posted about how great I am, you absolute mental case? Where have I called people Nazis?

I don’t really use social media. Does TFK count?

You’ve really gone off one there. Hope it gave you a bit of a release, you sad angry little man.

cc @Horsebox (you stupid cunt), the reply function seemed to get lost there.

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I’m still waiting for my solicitor’s letter @Malarkey was going to send me over this incident. It must have gotten lost in the this stage.

Was it?