You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

I think ā€œcuntā€ about covers it.

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So be it. I fully respect peopleā€™s decision to take on risk. And for parentsā€™ to take on risk for their non adult offspring.

Here we are talking about a political principle around the issue of ā€˜riskā€™. We are not absolutely free ā€“ and especially so in shared public spaces. By the same token as you were entitled not to get vaccinated, people need to respect someoneā€™s decision to avoid or to minimize risk in whatever degree they can. This aspect is why vaccine mandates needed to be introduced in certain contexts. I have the same rights as you do around ā€˜riskā€™.

I earlier pointed out the contradiction in people excoriating vaccine mandates while implicitly endorsing putative government mandates around enforcing work-related travel and work-related attendance. Had there not been restrictions in 2020 and 2021, some form of such government mandates would have been required. This reality is unavoidable. Some of the loudest voices on the anti lockdown/anti vaccine side are analytically illiterate, up and including Jonathan Sumption.

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What was the rationale for the covid passports youā€™d wonder. Hopefully lessons are learned.

Shane hannon of off the ball would have a field day when he sees the number of questions being asked
On this thread


Why? I have made my perspective on Pzifer clear on many occasions here. I am not so (faux) gullible as to be aghast and surprised by corporate profiteering. I expect little of humankind and even less of corporate humankind. People need to wise up and grow up.

The lad who posted up that obscure article is a prick from Clonmel, I think. Why would I bother with that class of a fool. I have enough to be doing with the other fools craving my attention.

Most of the right wing kangos have an awful problem with Big Government. Hardly any of them have a problem with Big Business. I like and respect neither entity.

Clear enough for you?

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Fergusonā€™s model was broadly correct.

He did in his hoop ā€œpredict 1 million UK deathsā€.

The Imperial College model gave a range of possible outcomes, the worst outcome in the model was 510k UK deaths in the event of completely unchecked spread, ie. ā€œnormal lifeā€ continuing the whole way through.

The UK had 209k deaths as it was so the model was pretty much on the money.

The trend of the let it rip headbangers to fanatically pour hatred onto the heads of particular individuals like Ferguson or Holohan or Fauci is so fucking obviously fascist it barely needs to be stated.

None of yis remind us that John Ioannidis predicted 10k US deaths at most. Itā€™s now 1.15 million.

While Sunetra Gupta was exposed as a fraud pretty much as soon as she published a study in March 2020 that so bad it was comparable to Andrew Wakefield in terms of the amount bullshit it inflicted onto the public.

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It was in its hole

Stick to your mastermind topic of fantasising what hand fellas grip the hurley with. I think we all know why youd like to know that you dirty fecker.

I just would like to hear the counter argument to something that most people believe to be true Iā€™d say at this stage.
Vaccines had little or no impact on transmission.

I GENUINELY, as Miriam O Callaghan would say, have no clue if they did or didnā€™t and Iā€™m not trying to win an argument here.
I really thought when everyone got covid after we were vaccinated that it didnā€™t stop transmission and this was genuinely accepted but maybe thereā€™s another side to the story

The vaccines had less impact on transmission than we would have liked, not least because the virus kept evolving. But this was well flagged. The vaccines also sent the death rate from Covid plummetting, and enabled a return to normal life, so thank heaven for them.

I genuinely cannot get my head around people being seemingly angry at the main thing that has enabled a return to normal life.

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By the way, for what it is worth, I have not got Covid, best of my knowledge, despite quite often being in situations where it seemed highly odd not to get the virus. For instance, I was in a group of 12 at two tables in a pub on Wednesday December 13, 2021. Christmas drinks and grub at the proprietorā€™s invitation. Great craic, between about four and half nine. The pub in question had seen no Covid infection case before then, which probably made the premises unique in Kilkenny.

Went down Friday to visit friends in Limerick for the weekend. Attended Munster-Castres game. Had pints in a pretty packed Kinsellaā€™s afterwards. Sat right by front door at counter, which is normally my least preferred spot, because I reckoned the constant opening of the door provided ventilation. Bit silly, perhaps, but could do no harm, same time.

Got a WhatsApp from my proprietor friend on Sunday morning: ā€œHowyah feeling? Iā€™m a bit rough and so are some of the other lads. Iā€™d get yourself checked out.ā€ Fair enough. Was already doing an antigen test every day, with an eye to visiting the parents on Christmas Day, and tests kept coming back clear over Christmas week. Turned out the other 11 lads all got Covid ā€“ most of them for the first time. Soā€¦

That Wednesday, coincidentally or not, was the same date I got my second vaccine shot.

You are incredibly dim

I could not give a fuck what some clown thinks of stupidityā€™s price. Now fuck off back to Clonmel, like a good little fella me lad.

Even the virus knew enough to stay away


Iā€™m definitely not angry about them. Thereā€™s a lot of issues getting mixed up here. I think they were great.

Has anyone come out and publicly admitted they didnā€™t have an impact on transmission and said that the vaccine passes for pubs etc were a bit over the top and pointless? I donā€™t think it was some big conspiracy or anything and they were acting in good faith but it would help if they simply admitted they got it wrong.

Yeah. And people from Clonmel tend to be classy.

Covid death numbers are tricky too though mate. Dying with or from Covid was scoffed at until it was eventually acknowledged as a significant outlier in terms of the death numbers.

Unlike you.

Sobering when a virus is more intelligent than a human being.

Of course it was broadly correct. Despite the UK Government being a thinly disguised shower of let it rip merchants, reality forced a full lockdown down twice and various other restrictions for long stretches. The death toll would have bean considerably higher otherwise.

The likes of Ioannidis and Gupta however are disgraced and should never, ever be taken seriously on anything ever again.