You are still stuck arguing about Covid Part 6 of infinite (Part 7)

Sweden was wiped out mate. It’s a wasteland now


It’s absolutely hilarious because this is the actual narrative the whole of the gobshite worldwide right-wing was running with up to 2019. That Sweden was a wasteland, you apparently couldn’t walk to the shops without being raped by some big black man, so the narrative went anyway.

And then a complete 180. :rofl:

Have youse cunts no shame at all?!

Yeah I’m always banging on about Sweden’s immigration policy in fairness

The Gomadán’s hero.

But at least he only got custody. Did not have to snivel to a female county councillor.

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I’ve always found it funny that the leading medical journal The Lancet is named after a tool they used to use to bleed people to rid the body of impurities.

Three years late… A wonderful description of a few lads on here.

Folks at The Lancet must be doing their own research

They didn’t ask questions

Wokies don’t like folk asking questions.


Yeah @Horsebox, it was a bit fucking thick of you not to realise that ‘prevent transmission’ actual meant ‘not prevent transmission’


You’d only get a small bit of Covid though, not the full whack.


These cunts have little else to be doing.

She’ll have to go.

For Aisling it is

It’s like the moon landings. Wake up sheeple.

Who is this Ashling wan when she’s at home in her shed?