A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened

Larry transcended sport, much like Cassius himself.

Oh brother :rofl:

Oh brother where art thou? After he lost his punditry slot for saying Gerry “Eyeball” Quinn should be taken out and shot.





:grinning: :grinning:



I wish it was, sweaty.

MY Gp phoned me earlier and asked me when I was getting my vaccination…I asked him if the trials were finished…“what trials?” says he.
“Exactly”, says i and slammed down the phone.


I’m not a practicing Catholic but I’m lighting a candle for you.

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The most unbelievable thing there is a teacher telling a student to ‘shut up’ in this day and age,
It’s a big no no
You’d cause less controversy by telling him to fuck off


As you know I was far from being as sceptical as you. I’m fully vacced but have recently heard that of recent deaths from covid 43% have been double vacced. That concerns me.

That’s UK deaths

I don’t know what to believe…the elderly and vulnerable were vaxxed first, that would have a bearing. The pcr test is for shit and the stats were almost certainly inflated…and it’s hard to kill a bad thing, you’ll be grand

It might be a reflection of how low total Covid deaths in the UK have been recently and infections in younger people not leading to many deaths. The vaccines do not provide 100% protection, there are people who will not develop immunity. According to the CDC in the US over 150 million have been vaccinated and of that number 4115 have been hospitalized with Covid and 750 have died.

Was it Twain or Wilde said about reports of his death being exaggerated? :rofl:

They’re watering down the vaccines. Like the slimey barman

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jesus christ, they were about 90 years of age ffs

It’s only 97 odd % effective


but what does that really mean? If you’re among the 2/3% to whom the vaccine is ineffective then it may as well be 100% ineffective. Worse! it could lead you to a false sense of security.