A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened


The comments are worse.

We used to be a proper country.

Didi Hamann is some hoor for following good looking women on Twitter :joy:

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This has happened in our place. Before Christmas a couple of kids were sent in after positive Lateral flows. Wiped out the whole class within days.

I’d know Mike from back in the day. I’d say he’s telling a fair bit of truth there.

BTW, that Murders in Ireland debate is to be avoided, but yer lad CriodĂĄn is a Twitter superstar:


A quick Google search suggests that the bould CriodĂ n is not shy of the limelight.

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Before I clicked i knew there’d be a pronoun in the bio

What’s CriodĂĄn as bĂ©arla?

I shouldn’t have, but I LOL’d at that


Now though

Creedon I think

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It’s not a first name at all. A google would suggest he’s one of maybe two people in the World with the name, but by God has he got coverage for his musings on the World

I’ve heard from a source that he used to stand by the river everyday waiting for someone to jump in to save them. 4 years he waited apparently.


This is what @Fagan_ODowd was talking about:

Filling station worker CriodĂĄn Ó MurchĂș is “not actively encouraged” to enforce mask wearing. “Just two or three days ago a man came in without a mask and said he had a medical condition.

“I said, ‘Okay, if you’ve proof that’s fine.’ They just exploded and became very upset and irate and threatened me with legal action. So I just spelt my name slowly for his solicitor,” he told The Irish Times.

Mr Ó MurchĂș, who is six feet tall and practises martial arts, said such encounters do not overly concern him. “But then I think of my co-workers who are five foot, 50-year-old women.

There you go @Cheasty , we don’t just not believe women, sometimes we don’t believe men either. Imagine the lengths Criodán had to go to fake that Corrib rescue. Something tells me we haven’t seen the last of good aul Crí

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:joy: :joy: :joy:


He knows Kung Fu, be wide

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