All Ireland Hurling Championship 2022

He will be busy firing off texts to the lads for a while first


Nowt worse. Maybe simulation but it’s close

I thought the biggest trolling of the night was giving Nicky Quaid a Cork red jersey. A nawful act of mockery.


Must have got a loan of one from Charleville


Ah Twas pure badness

Blow your nose chief and stop your blubbering.

the “they owe us nothing, those lads” posts will be sweeter for it

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Good owl game there. Limerick still the better team. The gap may have closed, not to 3 maybe, felt more like a 5 or 6 point game. For all of our supposed strength in depth to have to bring Tom Barron in as first back sub was fairly damning. The ten minutes before half time when Gillane ran riot on him probably won the match for Limerick.

In fairness if every other team that they faced were as attritional with them as Waterford were then maybe Limerick wouldn’t be so imperious and might have to modify their game.

Anyway I’d be as happy with that as you can with a defeat. The wheels are still on the wagon, which was my main concern going into the game. We made a fair few basic errors. God willing we beat one of Cork and Clare and get to meet Limerick later in the championship and make fewer errors.

As an aside, on limited possession Dessie Hutchinson was a wonder tonight and showed that if you play the ball in right Sean Finn is playable.


Limerick surely to win another AI and no breaking other players fingers to do it…

As an another aside on a night when Galway beat Westmeath 3-37 to 1-17 and Kilkenny beat Laois 2-34 to 1-14 Brian Cody described the Leinster SHC 2022 as a “dogfight”. It being the radio I couldn’t tell whether he said it with a straight face.

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I think he meant to say dog shit


Kilkenny are the real deal

Bringing on Tom Barron was a very strange one. He had a real baptism of fire.

I think Waterford will win on a proper pitch like Croke Park if they get there but they’ll need to fix a few things first.

De Burca and Barron will need to find form and they’ll need to stop running into those big fuckers Limerick have around the middle.

Stephen Bennett not scored from play last two games either


Is Ian Kenny injured? He would have been the obvious sub. Tom Barron, to be fair to him is a wing back first last and always.

You’d think theyd be able to get Shane Bennett on the pitch before Tom Barron, Cartrach Daly and even Monty too.

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Unsurprisingly @peddlerscross thinks under a different set of circumstances Limerick would be beat.


He is.

Corner backs are scarce. Shane Fives came on in Croker in August im pretty sure

Shane wasn’t great when he came on against Tipp last week.

Is Kieran Bennett still on the panel?