Another US shooting

Can all non whites please bring good sneakers for sports day. Can all whites please bring a semi automatic for hitting moving targets.

They had an armed guard at this school.

Did he show up at any stage?

Ferris Bueller is after hitting the chipper hard over the years.

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We’ve been here before
Santa Fe last year

SANTA FE, TEX. — They, like so many others, thought they had taken the steps to avoid this.

The school district had an active-shooter plan, and two armed police officers walked the halls of the high school. School district leaders had even agreed last fall to eventually arm teachers and staff under the state’s school marshal program, one of the country’s most aggressive and controversial policies intended to get more guns into classrooms.

Based on what I heard he came across the shooter but didn’t/couldn’t stop him

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he was armed with a sidearm, whilst the shooter had 2 AR 15s

That fella isn’t a man at all.

Good guys with bigger guns seems to be the solution so

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Did they only get their own kids out?

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It’s always seemed that the vast majority of these lads walking around in the US in body armour carrying semi automatic rifles, whether police or civilians, are comolete poseurs who would run a mile at having to actually do anything.
As evidenced by the myriad of law enforcement agencies who turned up at that school yesterday.
All bark and no bite.

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Former Dallas Cowboys running back Herschel Walker is the Republican candidate for the US Senate election in Georgia this November.

Herschel doesn’t have many brain cells.

Lads the cops needed to keep the parents out for their safety.
They also needed to try and assess what was going on before charging in head first and making things worse.

This shit about the cops not going in is a distraction tactic from the very people who won’t do anything to stop it


All true.

You would have hoped this went without saying but…

Sandy Hook, they were actors. Here the cops let it happen. They want to take your guns etc.

Wasn’t it reported that he had split personality disorder while playing.

He did ufc or an off shoot a while ago.
Some athletic individual all the same.