BREXIT thread

Bring it on you British fuckos

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This thread can probably be closed now. Panic over. We’ll all look back at this and laugh some day

We’ll all look back at this and laugh at the Brits one day.

The EU backing the Irish beef industry two days after Gove threatened it is funny enough.

His parents were Jewish refugees.
He made false claims about a Pa;estinian human rights group.
He has always been anti-Corbyn hecking him in the Commons when he (Corbyn) criticised the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

So no surprise that he’s jumped ship.

He’s also had some dodgy dealng with regards to expenses & house flipping

Ah yes, those pesky Jews again. :rofl:

Here is Corbyn at Deir Yassin Remembered (DYR) various events by them up to 2013 near when he became leader.

image image

Gill Kaffash, an organiser of the event, had this to say about Jez;

“Jeremy was a stallworth if the DYR…a very important supporter. You can rely on Jeremy”

Here are Gill’s views on the Holocaust.

“I don’t think there is evidence gas chambers were used to exterminate Jews. I don’t think there is evidence of a policy of extermination”

The founder of the group, Paul Eisen. Interesting character;

It’s unfortunate that Corbyn just happens to find himself amongst these groups.

I say again:
You’ve a real hard on for Corbyn haven’t you. It puzzles me this obsession with somebody who is never going to be in power.

You’d do better to take a look at those who actually hold power and abuse that power.
You accept Human Rights Watch’s judgement. Would you like me to post up a few of their findings on Israel? I’d guess that wouldn’t suit your prejudice.

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You run out to defend Corbyn here so I will respond.

It’s okay, I know you might follow lots of people who talk about the dreadful smears Jeremy gets and might not be up to date on this. A shame that you go around posting about Ian Austin’s “Jewish refuges parents” in response to his concerns over anti semitism in the party.

It was your own good self who threw up the “Jewish” thing about Austin.

Yes because the various anti semites and their enablers have been talking about the “Israeli” connecting since Monday.

It was a joke.

I’m glad that you confirmed yourself to be one of those halfwits in your subsequent posts though. How dare the son of Jewish refugees be concerned about anti semitism. :zipper_mouth_face:


You’re a joke mate. All you’ve got is “Look! Anti-semitism”

Yes I’m the joke.

Even the Shadow Chancellor admitted there was a big problem.

But it’s nothing to you.

Go back to your faux “who cares?” line from a few minutes ago.

Sorry mate, you’re not a joke. You’re actually an apologist for child abusers which makes you just as guilty as them

How am I an apologist?

Where have I mentioned support for Israel here?

You throw out the smokescreen of Corbyn and anti-semitism which covers Israel’s actions in the Occupied terrirories.

How is that a smokescreen?

That’s a disgusting post. While I find it exceptionally difficult to agree with most of @Tim_Riggins posts, he is one of the more intelligent posters on this forum who backs his opinions up with facts and he has called out Corbyn accurately.
Corbyn, despite having an allotment, is a fucking joke who will never admit the dark spaces contained within his beliefs.
On Brexit, to my mind, he is playing what he thinks is a long game. Suffer a few defections as his lack of action continues (or as the rest of ys would call it, ineptitude) and wait for a no deal Brexit. Then let the country (countries) go to shit and then proclaim some sort of socialist utopia as the saviour of post Brexit Britain.
Not understanding that the likelihood is the opposite. Hard Brexit and the country (countries) becomes even more divided and more people flock to hard right wing populist parties.
Nigel Farage will be PM before Corbyn.
He’s a disaster for Labour and a disaster for Britain.


Not quite sure why you’re telling me all this about Corbyn. I already know. But thanks anyway. Clampit.

“…despite having an allotment…”

Very good @Fitzy. :clap: :laughing:


seems odd that most of the venom on here is directed at the labour party and not the tories

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