Compulsive Liars are hilarious

Im calling out the tik tok taoiseach here. You dont get a highly sought after breed of dog as a rescue puppy at 13 weeks. He bought that.

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You might want to do a better job of the redding out there

Bambi doesn’t sound like much of a thug

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A return to obscurity beckons

A fucking tiler who’s been promising to drop out “tomorrow” every day for the last week. Today he was going to be “out in an hour” but then I got a text that his “van had broken down” his wife “had put petrol instead of diesel” in it. This seems to be the way the trades have gone in the last few years. They either won’t take the call or they string you along like this. Fewer and fewer decent lads involved.

They hold off the small job for as long as they can in case a bigger job comes along . No decency anymore , all about where most money is

@backinatracksuit is at nothing for the summer. He’ll come up and do it the weekend of the All Ireland


We had a fella out painting the inside of our house about three years ago. He came recommended. I would have done it myself but I didn’t have the time.

I thought a grand fella. Chatted away, no bullshit and did a good job. There was a couple of doors left to paint before the Christmas break. We paid him so that he’d have a few bob over the period.

After Christmas then - complete silence. Tried numerous times to contact him and nothing. He had used his own ceiling paint so maybe he thought that equated to the cost of painting the doors but at least get back to us.

All trades folk are liable to go off the grid I find. It’s the nature of how it works. Luckily since then we have good stories to tell but that doesn’t mean that it won’t happen again.

Ye should try building a house.


It’s a solid disgrace what the people of galway are doing to you…

To my pal.


In about 6 weeks he’s going to be sleeping on a mattress on the floor at his parents along with his first year student son, and his daughter in the spare bedroom.
Someone should call amnesty international.
He paid electric and water connection fees 6 months ago, and still no connection from either.



And lads complaining about a door.

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That’s unfair - it was a disaster.

The colour scheme in the living room didn’t match. Luckily the 55 inch TV was a similar colour to get away with it.


Did you do direct labour or use a contractor?

My pal* is building at the minute. Got the local plasterer who’d be a friend of the family in to do the job. Support local and all that. To keep costs down he agreed to tend to him and took a week off work to do so. Plasterer never showed for the week. Weather was too good so he did some outside plastering elsewhere and my mate at home down a weeks holidays and nothing done :grinning:

*Actual Pal, I’m far too fond of my sanity to build a house


He actually turned up this morning :pray: with a labourer.