Cork weirdo/sicko thread

Who’s the second one?

The one who went ahead with the marriage to the lad with several thousand kiddie porn images on his hard drive.

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Missed that bit, that’s Togher for you, home of forum favourites Rob Heffernan and Denis Irwin

Why are you back here?

You want to be chased away for a 4th time goofy

Sorry pal, but who are you?

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Overtake cork in the race for 3rd city?

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Ah that’s unreal

He said when a passenger left further up the bus he shook hands with the four girls and left them to go to the vacant seat and he heard them say, “Jesus, he’s a gas man”



Robert is a prolific letter writer. No way was that a mistake on his part

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He’s on the road a long time allright .
Exclusively cork examiner from what I recall also

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Love it

Simon’s a fucking piosan

Do ye find when ye go to Cork that people constantly walk out in front of you? You know, ignorant like. Never an excuse me or sorry.

Have to get used to crowds bud

Nice interview here in The Corkman

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Neil Prendeville “came” first.


The hurling folk were so busy abusing each other this morning they missed @gilgamboa throwing out a bit of pure Cork deviance.