Coronavirus - Here come the variants

That’s dreadful. Whereabouts is that?

I’ll have a doozie for you later in the the things that are further wrong tread. Animals wouldn’t even do that

Canz… and to fuck with everyone else

Get out there and start picking it up.

Also seen at music festivals. It’s shocking

If it’s a picture of a lump of shite - don’t.


You can understand it at music festivals even if it’s still awful and ruins the atmosphere. Organisers in Ireland take the approach that it’s easier to clean it all up after than put out and service bins.

Phoenix park is the same. Even fine day and the bins are overflowing

Limerick council in fairness have put giant wheelie bins in place along the river and come along to empty them regularly, doesn’t make a pile of difference though, still litter strewn all over the place. And it’s adults responsible in the main

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Not to absolve them but there are videos of the Guards clearing them off. The helicopter was out last night as well. Litter would inevitably be left in that scenario as people clear off quickly.

Provide more bins and police it properly like last year. There is a line between anti social behaviour and decent public behaviour of course, that should be up to the Guards to put in place reasonably.

It is a bit of a pain that kids have decided to go there though. I assume they are just following what adults were doing as it was the perfect spot for a pint from the Dropping Well and to stay clear away. They won’t be buying anything from the pub now and everyone will lose out if AGS decide to plonk themselves there.

Not sure what the expectation is for late teens and 20 somethings. They have now been told that nothing will open for months for them and they are in last place for the vaccine, with potential vaccine passports being looked at. If they go to the approach of stopping them from being outdoors like that, they will just go indoors. Rather than having scare story adverts on Covid now, communication to the younger audience needs to be more measured.


It’s all true

But they can still pick up their shit and find a bin to put it in,

Irish people are dirty bastards. Cunts leaving glass bottles and Nappies on beaches.


Almost exclusively

i was thinking more of the tent villages left behind. Thats not on organisers

Brittas bay after a day sunshine is some sight…Paddy is an animal …whether it’s food ,hooch or litter …


I agree with you there. But I can see how it happening to a greater degree when they are hounded out. I think that picture is a combination of that and people generally littering. Littering is certainly a problem still, you would have thought the younger woke crows would be a bit better for this sort of thing but there we are.

Last year places like Herbert Park and Dartmouth Square saw drinking but people put their rubbish in the bins provided.

The Dropping Well. It was completely spotless this morning supposedly. Charlie Chawke had staff out on a €20 euro a person who volunteered to do it.

Yeah true. Last time I was at EP was a good few years ago now. I wasn’t in the main campsite but walking through it on the way out it was like a warzone, I was glad I hadn’t been in it.

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Last year the Bridge were good in having a guy going around taking up rubbish from people. When they put Guinness into a bottle to try and stop the Guards giving out it went a step too far in appeasing the man.

I’d say the majority of that rubbish was drink bought elsewhere. I was down at the Dropping Well a couple of weeks ago having a coffee. The crowd was 20 to 40 somethings having a casual pint or coffee. Problem is that younger kids see that and want in, but they bring a new dynamic. Rule 1 for nightclubs is never lower your age brackets if you have a good thing going.


the dirty brits at it too