Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Everyone knows who they are. He didn’t sign the land over to someone outside the family

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A group of volunteers went to do a clean up in Young Munsters on Saturday. There is bushes along the permiter wall backing onto a housing estate. In these bushes was a landfill full of fly tipped waste, washing machine parts, car parts, cans, bottles, pallets and household waste. There probably is 3 times this much in there. A few peices of evidence with names was found among it. Disgraceful carry on.

Cc @backinatracksuit and it is a pile of shite @Fagan_ODowd

What has it got to do with me?

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Shure that’s around Raheem Square, one of the most deprived areas in the entire country, what do you expect.
I cut through a fence on the Rossbrien road a few months ago and ran along the railway track to see where it would take me,
There was non stop rubbish, mostly large items that would cost to take to Mungret,
Hopefully they develop that railway line as an amenity

Walking along the back of Raheen Square along the train tracks could be a dangerous affair and it’s not trains you’d have to worry about. Long standing family business run out of there, doubt take kindly to strangers with a dog going in around it.


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I suspect that side is as bad. Sure to bring a car load to Mungret is what €6 last time I went, for nothing really. Household appliances are free thanks to weee and cans, bottles etc are either free with your bins or you can pop down to the bottle bank. Its not hard to recycle and do the right thing

We had a bit of an anti social behaviour issue in our grounds here on Saturday night. Gang out drinking, broken glass all over the main pitch and dugouts, windows broken, signs ripped down etc. Just general loutish carry on but a pain in the hole to clean up. Anyway these cunts obviously aren’t the brightest tools in the box as the chairman went out Sunday morning and found 3 bicycles, a phone and a wallet left behind. Called the Gardai and handed the items over to them. We placed a message on our Facebook and Twitter telling the owners of the found goods to contact the Garda Station to retrieve their property. As of last night nothing had been claimed

You should have posted a pic of the items too - surely parents would have recognized them.

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Some nut job attacked a 65 year old woman in NY. While the perpetrator is probably a mentally disturbed cunt, look at the security lads in the video that stood by and watched, esp yer man that closed the door afterwards. Cowardly cunts.

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That’s what they have to do shur … the nut could have a gun and they cant chance it… that’s life in America.

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ah but she was on the ground after having the shite kicked out of her, I doubt she would have shot them then after the attacker walked away. I suppose they could have been scared she would mistake them for the attacker alright.

Yer wan could have had a gun too in fairness. They should have run out and thrown a few kicks into her and knelt on her till the cops came.

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They help her up and she sues them for moving her when she was injured … who knows, America is broken.

true. maybe if they just shot her instead it would have solved it, no repercussions then and could blame it on the black lad.

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And we can all go home happy.

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Disgraceful,all over the country

The violence against the Asian community in America is off the charts. They’re a crazy shower of bastards over there.