Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I donā€™t know about the South Africa situation and taking a random country from the other side of the world with little Covid hotspots around it doesnā€™t really adding anything.

ā€œthe data on flu v Covidā€

No, you have not given that data. Do give it to us. Go on.

Where is that data? Lodged in the saddle bag of Bill Gatesā€™ unicorn as he rides through Cloud Cuckoo Land?

A = a stupid sentence.

B = words.

C = an intelligent sentence.

But does A equal C?

This is like two fuckers with no flutes having a dick-measuring contest.

Yes, because your government made things a lot worse by telling people it was OK to congregate indoors. But even where governments told people not to, people still did it to some degree. How many people went to mass in Ireland at Christmas?

I am not against restrictions at all. Stopping all large events, and especially indoor gatherings was the right thing to do. Educating on social distancing, masks indoors in shops, the fact it was airborne.

I think overall most populations did a reasonable job protecting the vulnerable, otherwise the death rate would have been an order of magnitude higher. I wouldnā€™t give government a lot of credit for that though.

So you only want to have tunnel vision. You donā€™t want to look at statistics or comparisons?

Youā€™re blinded to lockdowns were the right thing to do irrespective of the reality.

Thereā€™s no basis that lockdowns work, you look all across Europe. There are no countries who have really been able to suppress the virus through lockdowns after the initial first wave but you want to baselessly suggest they work?

Thatā€™s fine, youā€™re entitled to you opinion but you have not put anything substantive forward to support it.

Iā€™ve been over this before,
If you are interested in making some money for next Christmas I am willing to bet whatever sum you want that we will have no level 5 lockdown next winter, just name the figure


Youā€™re continuing to now make false allegations about what I said.

Very Donald Trumpian of you.

See you came on here, you tried to throw your weight about, I called you out for your inability to be articulate and reasoned and you have behaved like a perpetual clown since.

You have exhibited to the whole forum that framing an intelligent argument is just beyond your grasp.

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Yes I absolutely agree. And I think that we should be progressing towards that normality faster than NPHET want us to go and faster than our government will allow us to go. I think that at every stage Ireland has looked to shit things down rather than making any effort to facilitate the doing of things we can do safely.

But I think weā€™re nearly there.


what a wonderfully apt typo!

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You said it was over. Did you just mean level 5 was over or are you pivoting again?

Iā€™m not suggesting anything baselessly. I just donā€™t think that bringing South Africa into the argument is of relevance.

The lockdown in Ireland post Christmas did work. It saved lives. Our hospitals were nearly keeling over. Anything other than a shut down of the society would have resulted in more and more cases. The lockdown was needed at that time.

Iā€™m not for lockdowns as a full time management tool for this. But acute situations have arisen and we needed an intervention against this ferocious opponent in those circumstances. To say anything else in the Irish context of that time defies logic to me.

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and where was the expanded ICU capacity and test and trace that weā€™d been promised to alleviate this exact thing?

No ā€œLevel 5 lockdownā€ seems to be a bit of a climbdown from what you were previously saying

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I was ballhopping you lunatic, just having a bit of fun, I canā€™t believe I have to explain this.
I firmly believe it is coming to an end quite soon, gradual opening up beginning in a few weeks, then as the vaccinations continue the relaxation follows,
Itā€™s quite odd how much attention my posts receive

Could people stop bringing up India and Brazil. Do you think either country can tell itā€™s population to work from home? Give everyone a check or pay 20% of the population unemployment?


That was a very specific reply to @The_Most_Infamous, maybe read his post before you get your knickers in a twist,

Thereā€™s good money to be made

Donā€™t let it go to your head whatever you do

So you donā€™t think comparing how a country where a wave of Covid fizzled out without a lockdown to a country where a wave of Covid fizzled out with a lockdown is relevant.

Therefore you donā€™t want to look at the real impact of lockdown.

How did it work? How did it save lives? That is purely speculative. 160k more cases of Covid happened after lockdown, 2.6k more deaths. There is no basis to definitively support what youā€™re saying. If lockdowns worked why were they having daily cases of 1,300 6 weeks after Level 5 had been introduced?

Your thoughts on this seem to be all over the place. You think itā€™s basically over yet seem to be aligning yourself with the opinion that we canā€™t open up until every person is fully vaccinated

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Ok, Iā€™m not a gambling man but Iā€™ll take up your offer.

Lets say 500 euro then, agreed? I donā€™t want to take too much money off a teacher.

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