You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


Oh fuck. Hope you have no symptoms and hope all are well.

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Nedzer is tweeting about Stalin now

I had to wait another half hour before I could wish you well

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Nedzer doesnā€™t come across as a :policewoman:t3: likely to be raiding pubs at 8:01pm

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What are the thoughts in the tracksuit castle this evening like, pal?

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Am I worried about something or what?
Iā€™ll just carry on, with sympathy for people who will suffer, but it isnā€™t much of a hardship to me no matter, my kids wonā€™t be separated from their pals and Iā€™m a contented old chap.

If you win that bet just send me your details and Iā€™ll send on the money straight away, donā€™t bother rubbing it in if you donā€™t mind,
If I win you can give it to charity

We need a long circuit breaker so everyone is okay to travel to Cheltenham in March. A sacrifice worth making.


@The_Most_Infamous is as reasonable as they come, Iā€™d expect him to be very gracious should he win. Whatā€™s the bet?

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You were extremely bullish earlier this year. I was just wondering was the tracksuit brand feeling any pressure, thats all,

I said all along I didnā€™t want this fucking mess to occur. Rolling lockdowns and bullshit. Its the last thing I want.

You were the poster that wanted to throw money on this. You had no limit to what youā€™d gamble on this even. I think I said 500 euro max. Iā€™m not a gambler at all though.

End of the day, I wonā€™t take a cent off you for what its worth. Send the cash to @RaymondCrotty


Covid is a plot by @RaymondCrotty to finance his schoolā€¦ Like how 9/11 was a plot carried out by international florists. Genius really.


There are a lot of Comical Alis who have refused to even consider this sort of trend could be a problem.

You have it mixed up the florists killed Diana, 9/11 was an insurance scam.

Any positives at all to report lads?

Saw that last night another one by the traffic lights onto the Dock Road. Couldnā€™t get a pic as I was rushing for a ā€œmedical emergencyā€. Iā€™ll update the injuries tread in due course

Archbishop Holohan is a hero. In a time of great turmoil and danger one man of charisma and vision has emerged from the fog of the civil service to grab control and lead the nation to safety. He did it all with only his wits, vision and unbendable will.

Heā€™s up there with Bono as Irelandā€™s greatest wum. Heā€™s driving lads demented for nearly two years now.


if eddieā€™s still a member of AGS then heā€™ll be getting a rap on the knuckles for that